Смотреть что такое "montani" в других словарях:
Montani semper liberi — (Latin for Mountaineers are Always Free ) is the official motto of the state of West Virginia in the United States and the coat of arms for the Colombian city of Bucaramanga.West Virginiawhere it was adopted as the official motto of the state in… … Wikipedia
MONTANI sive MONTENSES — MONTANI, sive MONTENSES ab Optato Milevitano appellati sunt Donatistae Romam incolentes, quod cultu suô in montibus extra Urbem defungerentur. Sic Speluncam quandam foris a civitate gradibus sepserunt, ubi ipso tempore conventiculum habere… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Montani ežeras — Sp Montani ẽžeras Ap Lac de Montagny L Kanadoje (Kvebekas) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
montani semper liberi — foreign term Etymology: Latin mountaineers are always free motto of West Virginia … New Collegiate Dictionary
montani semper liberi — /mohn tah nee sem perdd lee be rddee/; Eng. /mon tay nuy sem peuhr lib euh ruy /, Latin. mountaineers (are) always free: motto of West Virginia. * * * … Universalium
montani semper liberi — /mohn tah nee sem perdd lee be rddee/; Eng. /mon tay nuy sem peuhr lib euh ruy /, Latin. mountaineers (are) always free: motto of West Virginia … Useful english dictionary
Anthracoceros montani — Calao des Sulu Anthracoceros montani … Wikipédia en Français
Topographia Ducatus Montani — Ducatus Montium / ani Delineatio (Abriss des Herzogtums Berg) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Casa Montani — (Рим,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Piazzale Flaminio, 9, Фламинио, 00196 Рим, Италия … Каталог отелей
Nicola Montani — Nicola A. Montani, KCSS, who was born in New York in 1880 and died in 1948, was a conductor, composer, arranger, and publisher of sacred music. Montani founded the St. Gregory Guild and the Society of St. Gregory. In 1920, he published the famous … Wikipedia
Anthracoceros montani — Suluhornvogel Systematik Klasse: Vögel (Aves) Ordnung: Rackenvögel (Coraciiformes) Familie: Nashornvögel (Bucerotidae) … Deutsch Wikipedia