- Mnesarchus
Mnēsarchus, ī m.Мнесарх1) отец Пифагора Ap2) философ-стоик C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Mnesarchus — or Mnesarch may refer to: father of Pythagoras Mnesarchus of Athens, a Stoic philosopher, lived c. 100 BC. A possible name of the father of Euripides father of Callias of Chalcis Assistant Archon of Athens (thesmothete) This disambiguation page… … Wikipedia
MNESARCHUS — inter principes Philosophorum Ciceroni numeratur, Acad. Qu. l. 4 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Mnesarchus of Athens — Mnesarchus or Mnesarch (Greek: Μνήσαρχος, Mnēsarkhos), of Athens, was a Stoic philosopher, lived c. 160 c. 85 BC. He was a pupil of Diogenes of Babylon and Antipater of Tarsus. Cicero says[1] that he was one of the leaders of the Stoic school… … Wikipedia
МНЕСАРХ — • Mnesarchus, Μνήσαρχος, 1. самосец, отец Пифагора. Hdt. 4, 95; 2. сын Пифагора, преемник Аристея по управлению пифагорейскою школою; 3. отец трагика Еврипида; 4. тиран в Халкиде на острове Эвбее; 5 … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Diogenes of Babylon — For other uses, see Diogenes (disambiguation). Diogenes of Babylon (also known as Diogenes of Seleucia; c. 230 c. 150/140 BCE[1]) was a Stoic philosopher. He was the head of the Stoic school in Athens, and he was one … Wikipedia
Dardanus of Athens — Dardanus (Greek: Δάρδανος), of Athens, was a Stoic philosopher, lived c. 160 c. 85 BC. He was a pupil of Diogenes of Babylon and Antipater of Tarsus. Cicero mentions him[1] as being one of the leaders of the Stoic school (Latin: principes… … Wikipedia
Euripides — (Ancient Greek: polytonic|Εὐριπίδης) (ca. 480 BC–406 BC) was the last of the three great tragedians of classical Athens (the other two being Aeschylus and Sophocles). Ancient scholars thought that Euripides had written ninety five plays, although … Wikipedia
Marcus Aurelius — Not to be confused with Aurelian. Marcus Aurelius 16th Emperor of the Roman Empire Bust of Marcus Aurelius in the Glyptothek, Munich … Wikipedia
Pythagoras — of Samos redirects here. For the Samian statuary, see Pythagoras (sculptor). For other uses, see Pythagoras (disambiguation). Pythagoras (Πυθαγόρας) … Wikipedia
Chrysippus — This article is about the philosopher. For other people named Chrysippus, see Chrysippus (disambiguation). Chrysippus of Soli Roman copy of a Hellenistic bust of Chrysippus, British Museum Full name Chrysippus of Soli Born c. 279 BC … Wikipedia
Seneca the Younger — Ancient bust of Seneca, part of a double herm (Antikensammlung Berlin) Lucius Annaeus Seneca (often known simply as Seneca) (ca. 4 BC – 65 AD) was a Roman Stoic philosopher, statesman, dramatist, and in one work humorist, of the Silver Age of… … Wikipedia