- mite
- mīte [ mitis ] adv.1) кротко, ласково (aliquem alloqui T)2) тихо, безропотно (ferre aliquid O)3) безболезненно (perire O)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
mité — mité … Dictionnaire des rimes
mite — [ mit ] n. f. • XIIIe; moy. néerl. mite 1 ♦ Arthropode (acarien ou arachnide) qui vit au détriment de matières végétales ou animales. Mite de la farine, du fromage. 2 ♦ Cour. Petit papillon blanchâtre de la famille des teignes dont les larves… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Mite — (m[imac]t), n. [AS. m[=i]te mite (in sense 1); akin to LG. mite, D. mijt, G. miete, OHG. m[=i]za; cf. Goth. maitan to cut.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A minute arachnid, of the order {Acarina}, of which there are many species; as, the dust mite, cheese mite,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mite — [maıt] n [: Old English;] 1.) a very small creature that lives in plants, ↑carpets etc 2.) spoken a small child, especially one that you feel sorry for ▪ Poor mite! You must be starving! 3.) a mite slightly = ↑a bit ▪ She s a mite shy. ▪ … Dictionary of contemporary English
mité — mité, ée (mi té, tée) adj. Rongé des mites, larves de lépidoptères. Fourrure mitée. ÉTYMOLOGIE Mite. SUPPLÉMENT AU DICTIONNAIRE MITÉ. Ajoutez : • Si Ferré n eût point été D une exacte probité, D une austère prudhommie, Mes vers auraient… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Mite 1 — (Torniella,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 53015 Torniella, Италия Описани … Каталог отелей
mite — [ maıt ] noun count 1. ) a very small insect that lives in foods, on plants, or on animals 2. ) SPOKEN a young child or animal, especially one you feel sorry for a mite OLD FASHIONED 1. ) slightly: He looked a mite upset. 2. ) a small amount of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
mite — Ⅰ. mite [1] ► NOUN ▪ a minute arachnid, several kinds of which are parasitic. ORIGIN Old English. Ⅱ. mite [2] ► NOUN 1) a small child or animal. 2) … English terms dictionary
mite — MÍTE conj. v. dar, darămite. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime míte adv. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
mite — mite1 [mīt] n. [ME < OE, akin to OHG miza, a gnat < IE base * mai , to cut, cut off > MAD] any of a large subclass (Acari) of tiny, sometimes microscopic, arachnids often parasitic upon animals, insects, or plants, or infesting prepared… … English World dictionary
Mite — (engl., spr. Meiht), englisches Gold u. Silbergewicht = 2/3 holl. As … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon