- ministratio
- ministrātio, ōnis f. [ ministro ]служба, помощь Vtr, Vlg,
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Ministration — Min is*tra tion, n. [L. ministratio, fr. ministrare.] The act of ministering; service; ministry. The days of his ministration. Luke i. 23. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Administration (business) — Unreferenced|date=September 2008| caption= official names= administrator general manager type= employment activity sector= business corporations project management competencies= management skills formation= employment field=public and private… … Wikipedia
ministration — ministrative, adj. /min euh stray sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of ministering care, aid, religious service, etc. 2. an instance of this. [1300 50; ME ministracioun < L ministration (s. of ministratio) service, equiv. to ministrat(us) (ptp. of… … Universalium
administration — [ administrasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • apr. 1250; aministracion v. 1200; lat. administratio 1 ♦ Dr. civ. Action de gérer un bien, un ensemble de biens. ⇒ gestion. L administration de la communauté. Administration légale : attributs patrimoniaux se rattachant … Encyclopédie Universelle
ՍՊԱՍԱՒՈՐՈՒԹԻՒՆ — ( ) NBH 2 0737 Chronological Sequence: Unknown date, Early classical, 6c, 8c, 13c գ. λειτουργία, λειτούργημα, ὐπηρεσία ministerium, ministratio, officium λατρεία cultus. Սպաս. պաշտօն. ծառայութիւն. արբանեկութիւն. մատակարարութիւն. խնամարկութիւն.… … հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)
ministration — (n.) mid 14c., the action of ministering or serving, from O.Fr. ministration or directly from L. ministrationem (nom. ministratio), noun of action from pp. stem of ministrare to serve (see MINISTER (Cf. minister) (v.)) … Etymology dictionary
ministration — [min΄is trā′shən] n. [ME ministracion < L ministratio < pp. of ministrare, to MINISTER] 1. MINISTRY (sense 2a) 2. administration, as of a sacrament 3. the act or an instance of giving help or care; service ministrative adj … English World dictionary
ministration — n. 1 (usu. in pl.) aid or service (the kind ministrations of his neighbours). 2 ministering, esp. in religious matters. 3 (usu. foll. by of) the supplying (of help, justice, etc.). Derivatives: ministrant adj. & n. ministrative adj. Etymology: ME … Useful english dictionary