- Angrivarii
Angrivariī, ōrum m.ангриварии, германское племя по обоим берегам Везера T
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Angrivarĭi — (a. Geogr.), germanisches Volk an beiden Seiten der Aller bis zur Mündung der Leine, u. dann nordöstlich (wahrscheinlich) bis an die Elbe; vielleicht auch zum Theil in SWestsalen. Sie wurden von den Römern durch Stertinius, Feldherrn des… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
ANGRIVARII — Germaniae populi Ptol. et Tacit. l. 2. Annal. c. 8. potens Saxonum Dynastia, ad Luppiae fluv. caput; quorum oppid. Angermund, et Engern, vel Engerhen, dicitur. Dicti quasi Angreiffer. Boxhornius. Horum antiquissimi Domini memorantur, Hengistus… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Angrivarii — The Angrivarii were a Germanic tribe of the early Roman Empire mentioned briefly in Ptolemy as the Angriouarroi (Ptolemy s Greek given in Roman letters here), which transliterates into Latin Angrivari. They are believed to be the source of the… … Wikipedia
Angrivarii — Les Angrivariens ou Angrivarii furent un peuple germanique au temps de la Rome antique. Leur nom est probablement la forme latine ancienne qui donnera ultèrieurement, lors des invasions de la Bretagne insulaire, leur nom aux Angles, qu on… … Wikipédia en Français
Angarii — Angrivarii Les Angrivariens ou Angrivarii furent un peuple germanique au temps de la Rome antique. Leur nom est probablement la forme latine ancienne qui donnera ultèrieurement, lors des invasions de la Bretagne insulaire, leur nom aux Angles, qu … Wikipédia en Français
АНГРИВАРИИ — • Angrivarii, позднее ангры, енгры, немецкое племя на юг от хауков, между бруктерами (на юго запад) и фозами (на юго восток), по обоим берегам реки Visurgis (Везер), отделенное от херусков земляным валом. Tac. ann. 2, 19. Большею… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Bataille d'Idistaviso — Le champ de bataille dans la plaine d Idistaviso. Données clés Date 16 … Wikipédia en Français
Angles — The Angles is a modern English word for a Germanic speaking people who took their name from the cultural ancestral region of Angeln, a modern district located in Schleswig Holstein, Germany. EtymologyThe ethnic name Angle has had various forms… … Wikipedia
Chatti — This article is about the ancient Germanic tribe. For the village in Pakistan, see Chathi. The Roman empire under Hadrian (ruled 117–138), showing the location of the Chatti in central Germany. The Chatti (also Chatthi or Catti) were an ancient… … Wikipedia
Angeln — Modern Angeln, also known as Anglia (German: Angeln , Danish: Angel , Latin: Anglia , English: may follow German or Latin; direct translation from Latin: England ), is a peninsula in Southern Schleswig in the northern Schleswig Holstein, Germany … Wikipedia
List of Germanic peoples — This is a list of Germanic peoples. Classical philosophyThe Greeks assigned names to populations they considered distinct based on the city state ( polis ) to which they belonged. Intermingled with this system was an earlier one derived from the… … Wikipedia