
ī m.
1) киник из Радары (Сирия), автор едких сатир, которым подражал Варрон в своих «Satŭrae Menippēae» (ок. 270 г. до н. э.) Vr, AG, Macr
2) греч. оратор из Стратоникеи, учитель и друг Цицерона C

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Menippus" в других словарях:

  • Meníppus — Meníppus, Zyniker, geb. in Gadara in Palästina, wahrscheinlich im 3. Jahrh. v. Chr., behandelte Gegenstände aus dem Gebiete der praktischen Philosophie in heiterm Tone. – Vgl. Fritzsche (1871) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Menippus — Menippus, Cyniker, Wucherer und beißender Spötter; nach ihm benannte Varro eine Gattung Satiren menippeische …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Menippus — For the orator, see Menippus of Stratonikeia. Menippus, by Velázquez Menippus (Greek: Μένιππος; 3rd century BC) of Gadara, was a Cynic and satirist. His works, which are all lost, were an important influence on Varro and Lucian. The …   Wikipedia

  • Menippus — Menippos. Gemälde von Diego Velázquez, 1639/40 Menippos von Gadara, auch Menipp oder latinisiert Menippus (* um 330 v. Chr. vermutlich in Gadara, heute Umm Quais, Palästina; † um 260 v. Chr.) war ein griechischer Philosoph, der der Schule der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • MENIPPUS — I. MENIPPUS Phoenix Philosophus Cynicus, ex servo civis Thebanus, nihil memoriâ dignum edidit; porro ipse librique ridendi: Cumque habendi cupidissimus esset, bonis amissis laqueô viram finivit. Diogen. Laertius l. 6. Item Poeta Comicus. Suidas.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Menippus — ▪ Greek philosopher flourished 3rd century BC, b. Gadara [now Umm Qays, Jordan]       Greek philosopher who followed the cynic philosophy of Diogenes and who founded a seriocomic literary genre known as Menippean satire. It was imitated by Greek… …   Universalium

  • Menippus of Stratonikeia — (in Greek Mενιππoς; b. Stratonicea, Caria, lived 1st century BC), surnamed Catocas, was a Carian by birth; he was the most accomplished orator of his time in all Asia (79 BC). Cicero, who heard him, puts him almost on a level with the Attic… …   Wikipedia

  • MENIPPUS Pergamenus — Geographus insignis, de quo vide Salmas. ad Solin. p. 850 …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • МЕНИПП —    • Menippus,          Μένιππος,        1. афинянин, отец Гиппокла. Thuc. 8, 13;        2. тиран города Орея на острове Эвбее, поддерживавший Филиппа против Аттики. Dem. Phil. 3, 125;        3. полководец царя Филиппа III, сражавшийся с… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • empousai —    In Greek lore, a type of female DEMON, related to LAMIAE and similar to the SUCCUBUS. Empousae means “forcers in.” Empusa is sometimes translated into English as “vampire.”    The empousai are children of Hecate, the goddess of the underworld… …   Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology

  • Diogenes of Sinope — (Διογένης ὁ Σινωπεύς) Diogenes by John William Waterhouse, depicting his lamp, tub, and diet of onions Full name Diogenes of Sinope (Διογένης ὁ Σινωπεύς) Born …   Wikipedia

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