- Menecles
Meneclēs, is m.Менекл, ритор из Алабанды (Кария), которого слушал Цицерон C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
MENECLES Bacaleus — historiam prodidit, teste Athenaeô. Alius videtur esse Orator Alabandensis. Strab. l. 15. Priorem, vel tertium aliquem signat Pindar. Schol. in Olymp. Od. 2 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
МЕНЕКЛ — • Menĕcles, Μενεκλη̃ς, 1. народный оратор в Афинах. Хеn. Hell. 1, 8, 38; 2. ритор, родом из Алабанды в Карии, пользовавшийся вместе с братом своим Гиероклом большою известностью в Азии; Цицерон слышал их обоих. Cic. or.… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Batalla de Arginusas — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Batalla de Arginusas … Wikipedia Español
Bato I de Cirene — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Bato. Bato I de Cirene (griego antiguo Βάττος Ἀριστοτέλης) fue el primer rey de Cirene desde 631 hasta finales de 590 a. C. Justino dice que su nombre original fue… … Wikipedia Español
Isaeus — (Latin; Greek polytonic|Ἰσαῖος Isaios ), fl. early 4th century BC. One of the ten Attic Orators according to the Alexandrian canon. He was a student of Isocrates in Athens, and later taught Demosthenes while working as a metic speechwriter for… … Wikipedia
Apollonius Molon — or Molo of Rhodes (or simply Molon; Ancient Greek: Ἀπολλώνιος ὁ Μόλων), Greek rhetorician who flourished about 70 BC. He was a native of Alabanda, a pupil of Menecles, and settled at Rhodes. He twice visited Rome as an ambassador from Rhodes, and … Wikipedia
Apollonius the Effeminate — Apollonius, surnamed ὁ μαλακος ( the Effeminate ), a Greek rhetorician of Alabanda in Caria, who flourished about 120 B.C. After studying under Menecles, chief of the Asiatic school of oratory, he settled in Rhodes, where he taught rhetoric,… … Wikipedia
Alabanda — ndash; also hê Alabanda, ta Alabanda, Alabandeus, Alabandensis, Alabandenus, and for a time, Antiochia of the Chrysaorians ndash; was an ancient city of Caria, Anatolia, the site of which is now located near Doğanyurt (also called Araphisar),… … Wikipedia
Isee — Isée Isée, en grec ancien Ἰσαῖος / Isaĩos (v.420–v.340 av. J. C.), l un des dix orateurs attiques. Biographie Isée, célèbre orateur grec, florissait environ 400 ans avant J. C. : mais ni Plutarque, ni Denys d Halicarnasse, qui d ailleurs… … Wikipédia en Français
Isée — (en grec ancien Ἰσαῖος / Isaĩos, v. 420 – v. 340 av. J. C.) est l un des dix orateurs attiques. Biographie Son activité se situe aux alentours de 400 av. J. C., mais ni Plutarque ni Denys d Halicarnasse (qui d ailleurs parlent de lui avec… … Wikipédia en Français
Pentatomini — Pentatomini … Wikipédia en Français