- Menapii
- Menapiī, ōrum m.менании, бельгийское племя к югу от батавов (между нын. реками Маас и Шельда) Cs, M
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
MENAPII — populi qui ad utramque Rheni ripam habitant iuxta Nervios, qui plerisque Iuliacenses et Clivenses cum parte Geldrensium esse videntur, Eburonibus, et Tungris finitimi. Baudr. fuêre, ubi nunc Ducatus Brabantiae in Belgio, a Scaldi ad Mosam usque… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Menapii — Reconstruction of a Menapian dwelling at Destelbergen. The Menapii were a Belgic tribe of northern Gaul in pre Roman and Roman times. Their territory according to Strabo, Caesar and Ptolemy stretched from the mouth of the Rhine in the north, and… … Wikipedia
Менапии — (Menapii) народ в древней Галлии, живший между реками Маасом и Шельдой, к югу от племени батавов, среди густых лесов и болот. Из прирейнских земель они были вытеснены тенктерами и узипетами (Caesar, De b. Gallico , IV, 4). Когда вспыхнуло общее… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
МЕНАПИИ — • Menapii, Μενάπιοι, народ в Бельгийской Галлии, между Маасом и Шельдой, к югу от батавов, живший в густых лесах и болотах. М. были вытеснены из стран по реке Рейну усипетами и тенктерами (Caes. b. g. 4, 4); во время восстания всех… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Morini — For other uses, see Morini (disambiguation). The Morini were a Belgic tribe in the time of the Roman Empire. We know little about their language but one of their cities, Boulogne sur Mer was called Bononia by Zosimus and Bonen in the Middle Ages … Wikipedia
Menapier — Die Menapier (lat. Menapii) waren ein keltisch germanisches Mischvolk im belgischen Gallien, das um 52 v. Chr. von den Römern unter Caesar im Gallischen Krieg unterworfen wurde. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herleitung des Namens 2 Siedlungsgebiet 3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Germani cisrhenani — is a Latin term which refers to that part of the tribal people known as Germani who lived to the west of the Rhine river. Cisrhenane, the English form of the word, means this side of the Rhine . The opposite is transrhenane or that side of the… … Wikipedia
Civitas Tungrorum — The Civitas Tungrorum was a large Roman administrative district. In the early days of the Roman empire it was in the province of Gallia Belgica, but it later joined the neighbouring lower Rhine river border districts, within the province of… … Wikipedia
Eburones — The Eburones (Greek: polytonic|Ἐβούρωνες, Strabo), were a people of Germanic descentJulius Caesar, Commentarii de Bello Gallico ] that lived in the upper north of Gallia largely between the Rhine and the Maas, east of the Menapii. This area later … Wikipedia
Sicambri — The Sicambri (var. Sicambers, Sicambres, Sigambrer, Sugumbrer, or Sugambri ) were a Germanic people living in what is now called the Netherlands at the turn of the first millennium. Originating in the Germanic Celtic contact zone (c.f.… … Wikipedia
Ledringhem — Not to be confused with Ledinghem, a village in the Pas de Calais department. Ledringhem View of Ledringhem church, graveyard and town hall … Wikipedia