- Megareus
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житель города Megara 1. CII Megarēus и Megaricus, a, um [ Megara 2. ]мегарский C, OIII Megareus, eos m.Мегарей, из Онхеста (Беотия), сын Нептуна, отец Гиппомена O
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
MEGAREUS — pater Hippomenis, nepos Neptuni ex Onchesto Boeotiae oppido oriundus, vel fil. Onchesti, quae controversia ex varia lectione orta est, apud Ovid. Met. l. 10. Fab. 11. Namque mihi genitor Megareus, Onchestius illi. Est Neptunus avus; pronepos ego… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Megareus — (griechisch Μεγαρεύς) ist eine Gestalt aus der griechischen Mythologie. Er war der Sohn des Kreon und der Eurydike und einer der Verteidiger der Stadt in Aischylos Sieben gegen Theben. Megareus brachte sich wegen einer Vorhersage des Sehers… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Megareus — In Greek mythology, Megareus may refer to: Megareus of Onchestus, King of Onchestus, Boeotia, father of Hippomenes Megareus of Thebes, son of Eurydice of Thebes; defended Thebes against the Seven Against Thebes, committed suicide to save it This… … Wikipedia
Megareus of Thebes — Megareus (or Menoeceus) of Thebes was the son of Eurydice of Thebes and Creon, a king of Thebes,[1] who appears in Antigone, a play by Sophocles. Megareus, also called Menoeceus in some versions of Antigone, had died fighting for Eteocles in the… … Wikipedia
Megareus of Onchestus — In Greek mythology, Megareus of Onchestus was king of Onchestus in Boeotia. He was either son of Poseidon and Oenope, daughter of Epopeus[1], or of Onchestus (eponym of their kingdom), or of Apollo, or of Aegeus,[2] or of Hippomenes[3]. He came… … Wikipedia
Merope (Gattin des Megareus) — Merope (griechisch Μερόπη) ist in der griechischen Mythologie die Gemahlin des Megareus und Mutter des Hippomenes, des Siegers gegen Atalante im Wettlauf. Quellen Hyginus Mythographus Fabulae 185 Literatur Heinrich Wilhelm Stoll: Merope 5.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
МЕГАРЕЙ — • Megăreus, Μεγαρεύς, см. Menoeceus, Менекей … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Alcathous, son of Pelops — For other uses of this name, see Alcathous. Alcathous (Gr. Ἀλκάθοος) was in Greek mythology the son of Pelops and Hippodamia,[1] and brother of Atreus and Thyestes. He first married Pyrgo and afterwards Euaechme, and was the father of Echepolis… … Wikipedia
Sieben gegen Theben — Kapaneus besteigt die Stadtmauer von Theben. Kreon schaut von der Zinne. (Rotfigurige Halsamphore aus Kampanien, um 340 v. Chr., J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, Kalifornien) Sieben gegen Theben (griechisch Ἑπτά ἐπὶ Θήβας … Deutsch Wikipedia
Seven Against Thebes — Scene from the Seven against Thebes: Capaneus scales the city wall of Thebes, Campanian red figure amphora, ca. 340 BC, Getty Villa (92.AE.86) Written by … Wikipedia
Nisos — For other meanings of Nisos, see Nisus (disambiguation). 17th century engraving of Nisos s daughter Scylla falling in love with his enemy Minos. In Greek mythology, Nisos (Nisus) was the King of Megara, and one of the four sons of Pandion II,… … Wikipedia