Смотреть что такое "Mazax" в других словарях:
MAZAX — Africoe populus, in torquendis missilibus non inferior Medis. Lucan. l. 4. v. 680. Aequaturusque sagittas Medorum, tremulum cum torsit missile Mazax. Claudian. l. 1. de Laudib. Stilicon. Pavidus proiectat missile Mazax … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Mazax — Mazax … Wikipédia en Français
mazax — (Ağbaba, Qazax) 1. zarafat 2. kef … Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti
List of Corinnidae species — This page lists all described species of the spider family Corinnidae as of Apr. 21, 2008.Abapeba Abapeba Bonaldo, 2000 * Abapeba abalosi (Mello Leitão, 1942) Paraguay, Argentina * Abapeba cleonei (Petrunkevitch, 1926) St. Thomas * Abapeba… … Wikipedia
Corinnid sac spider — Corinnid sac spiders Supunna species photographed in Berowra, Australia. Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
List of spiders of Texas — This is a list of all spider species that have been found in Texas, USA, as of July 17, 2006. It is taken from the [ Catalogue of Texas Spiders] by D. Allen Dean, which was started in 1940. The list… … Wikipedia
Berber people — Berbers Imazighen / ⵉⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⴻⵏ … Wikipedia
Meshwesh — Meshwesh in hieroglyphs … Wikipedia
Ant mimicry — Cricket nymph, Macroxiphus sp. Ant mimicry is mimicry of ants by other organisms. Ants are abundant all over the world, and insect predators that rely on vision to identify their prey such as birds and wasps normally avoid them, either because… … Wikipedia
M. spinosa — may refer to:* Mahura spinosa , a funnel web spider * Malikia spinosa , a Gram negative soil bacterium * Manjala spinosa , a tangled nest spider * Masteria spinosa , a mygalomorph spider * Mazax spinosa , a corinnid sac spider * Moricandia… … Wikipedia
Corinnidae — Supunna sp … Wikipédia en Français