- Matralia
Mātrālia, ium n.римск. празднества в честь Mater Matuta (11 июня) Vr, O
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
MATRALIA — matris Matutae festa, Idibus Iunii celebrari solita; de quibus vide Thom. Dempster. Antiq. Rom. l. 4. c. 4. et 10. Ritus sacrorum hic erat; Aditu templi servae prohibebantur, exceptâ unâ, quam Matronae introducebant, colaphos genis eius in… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Matralia — /meuh tray lee euh, trayl yeuh/, n., pl. Matralia, Matralias. (sometimes used with a pl. v.) an annual festival of ancient Rome celebrated by women in honor of the goddess Matuta. [1895 1900; < L Matralia (festa) (festival) of Mater Matuta… … Universalium
Matralia — /meuh tray lee euh, trayl yeuh/, n., pl. Matralia, Matralias. (sometimes used with a pl. v.) an annual festival of ancient Rome celebrated by women in honor of the goddess Matuta. [1895 1900; < L Matralia (festa) (festival) of Mater Matuta… … Useful english dictionary
Matralia — Die Matralia war ein religiöses Fest im Römischen Reich. Die Matralia wurden im Rahmen des römischen Festkalenders am 11. Juni zu Ehren der Göttin Mater Matuta begangen. Dabei beteten zuerst die Tanten für die Gesundheit ihrer Neffen und Nichten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ματράλια — (Matralia). Γιορτή των Ρωμαίων κατά την αρχαιότητα. Τα Μ. τελούνταν στις 11 Ιουνίου και ήταν αφιερωμένα στη Ματούτα, στη ρωμαϊκή θεότητα της Αυγής, προστάτιδα του τοκετού, των λιμανιών και της θάλασσας. Στην τελετή συμμετείχαν μόνο οι έγγαμες… … Dictionary of Greek
MATRNP — Matralia nefas piaculum … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
Di indigetes — Ancient Roman religion Marcus Aurelius (head covered) sacrificing at the Temple of Jupiter … Wikipedia
Duenos Inscription — The Duenos inscription, as recorded by Heinrich Dressel. The Duenos Inscription is one of the earliest known Old Latin texts, dating from the 7th century BC. It is inscribed on the sides of a kernos, in this case a trio of small globular vases… … Wikipedia
Eos — For other uses of the name Eos, see Eos (disambiguation). For the Slavic goddesses called the Auroras, see The Zorya. Eos (Greek ΗPolytonic|ώς, or Έως dawn ) is, in Greek mythology, the Titanic goddess [Lycophron calls her by an archaic name,… … Wikipedia
June 11 — Events*1184 BC Trojan War: Troy is sacked and burned, according to the calculations of Eratosthenes. *631 Emperor Taizong of Tang, the Emperor of China, sends envoys to the Xueyantuo bearing gold and silk in order to persuade the release of… … Wikipedia
Mater Matuta — Mater Matuta, seated in a wicker chair and nursing an infant, from Roman Britain, 2nd century AD Mater Matuta was an indigenous Roman goddess, whom the Romans eventually made equivalent to the dawn goddess Aurora, and the Greek goddess Eos. Mater … Wikipedia