
Massylī, ōrum и um m.
массилы, жители вост. Нумидии V, PM, Sil etc.

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Massyli" в других словарях:

  • History of early Tunisia — History of Tunisia ANCIENT HISTORY OF TUNISIA …   Wikipedia

  • Massylier — Die Massylier (griechisch Μασσύλιοι Massylioi, lateinisch Massyli) waren ein antiker Volksstamm im östlichen Numidien. Im Osten grenzte ihr Gebiet (Massylia) an Karthago, im Westen an Masaisylia, das Gebiet der Massäsylier. Die wichtigsten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • History of ancient Tunisia — The present day Republic of Tunisia, al Jumhuriyyah at Tunisiyyah , has over ten million citizens, almost all of Arab Berber descent. The Mediterranean Sea is to the north and east, Libya to the southeast, and Algeria to the west. Tunis is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Masinissa — /mas euh nis euh/, n. 238 149 B.C., king of Numidia c210 149. Also, Massinissa. * * * born с 240 died 148 BC Ruler of the North African kingdom of Numidia. Originally an ally of Carthage, he switched sides to help Rome after being persuaded by… …   Universalium

  • MASSYLA — mediterranea est pars Mauritaniae, inquit Servius, in l. 4. Aen. v. 483. unde non longe sunt horti Hesperidum, et Atlas mons. Apud Livium in Numidia ponitur. l. 24. c. 49. Populi Massyli. Μασυλῆες Dionysio, quos Plinius l. 5. c. 4. inter… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Tunisia — Tunisian Republic الجمهورية التونسية al Jumhūriyyah at Tūnisiyyah …   Wikipedia

  • 203 BC — NOTOC EventsBy placeCarthage* The Roman general, Publius Cornelius Scipio, while undertaking peace negotiations with the Carthaginians at Utica, makes a surprise attack on the Carthaginian camp and destroys it. Then, sweeping down on the forces… …   Wikipedia

  • Masinissa — (c. 240 or 238 BC c. 148 BC) also spelled Massinissa and Massena was the first King of Numidia, an ancient North African nation of ancient Libyan tribes. As a successful general, Masinissa fought in the Second Punic War (218 201 BC), first… …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of Zama — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of Zama partof=the Second Punic War caption=The Battle of Zama by Cornelis Cort, 1567 date=October 19, 202 BC place=Zama, near Carthage casus= territory= result=Decisive Roman victory; Marks end of Second …   Wikipedia

  • Afrique Romaine — Rome compte en Afrique jusqu à huit provinces différentes (d est en ouest) : la Tripolitaine, la Byzacène, l Afrique Proconsulaire, la Numidie Cirtéenne, la Numidie militaire, la Maurétanie Césarienne, la Maurétanie Sitifienne et la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Afrique romaine — Rome compte en Afrique jusqu à huit provinces différentes (d est en ouest) : la Tripolitaine, la Byzacène, l Afrique Proconsulaire, la Numidie Cirtéenne, la Numidie militaire, la Maurétanie Césarienne, la Maurétanie Sitifienne et la… …   Wikipédia en Français

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