- Marsi
- Marsī, ōrum m.марсы1) сабельское племя в нагорьях средней Италии, в районе Фуцинского озера C, Cs, PM, L etc.2) германское племя между нын. реками Липпе и Рур T
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Marsi — • Diocese in the province of Aquila, Central Italy, with its seat at Pescina Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Marsi Marsi † … Catholic encyclopedia
MARSI — populi Italiae fortissimi, Picentibus, Aequiculanis, et Samnitibus finitimi, quorum urbs, quae Valeria etiam dicta, ad lacum Fucinum, excisa, sive aquis absorpta, Marci adhuc dicta. Episcopalis est apud Piscinam urbem, ubi eius Episcopus moratur … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Marsi — (a. Geogr.), 1) sabellisches Volk in Samnium, auf den Apenninen, um den Lacus Fucinus, im jetzigen Abruzzo ulteriore; sie waren tapfer u. in Italien als Kenner von heilsamen Kräutern u. als Schlangenzähmer berühmt, daher sollten sie von Kirke… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Marsi — ▪ ancient Italian people ancient people of Italy, located on the eastern shore of Lake Fucinus (now drained) in the modern province of L Aquila. In 304 BC the Marsi and their allies, the Vestini, Paeligni, and Marrucini, made an alliance… … Universalium
Marsi — For the Germanic tribe, see Marsi (Germanic). Marsian Spoken in Marruvium Region Marsica in Abruzzo Extinct ca. 150 BC Language family … Wikipedia
Marsi — Den Namen Marser (lateinisch: Marsi) trugen zwei Völker in der Antike: ein Volksstamm in Italien, siehe Marser (Italien) ein Volksstamm in Germanien, siehe Marser (Germanien) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Marsi Hotel Bangkok — (Бангкок,Таиланд) Категория отеля: 4 звездочный отель Адрес: 125 soi sukhumvit 1 … Каталог отелей
Marsi (Germanic) — This article is about the germanic people. For the italian people, see Marsi. Germanic tribes around 50 CE The Marsi (German: Marser) were a small Germanic tribe settled between the Rhine, Rur and Lippe rivers in northwest Germany. Tacitus… … Wikipedia
marsi — mar·si … English syllables
marsi — ˈmärˌsī noun plural Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Latin 1. : a people of ancient Italy east of Rome 2. : a Germanic people defeated by the Roman emperor Germanicus … Useful english dictionary
İstiklâl Marşı — The title of this article contains the characters İ, ş, ı, and â. Where they are unavailable or not desired, the name may be represented as Istiklal Marsi. İstiklâl Marşı English: Independence March … Wikipedia