- mantichoras
mantichorās, ae (acc. an) m.(испорч. перс. «людоед») мантихор, баснословный индийский зверь с телом льва, лицом человека и хвостом скорпиона PM, Calp
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Mantichoras — Mantikor aus: Redgrove’s Bygone Beliefs Mantikor („Martigora“), Stich von Joannes Johnstonus (1678) Der Mantikor (auch: Manticor, Manticore, Manticora, Martichoras) ist ein … Deutsch Wikipedia
manticore — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin mantichora, from Greek mantichōras Date: 14th century a legendary animal with the head of a man, the body of a lion, and the tail of a dragon or scorpion … New Collegiate Dictionary
Spells and Philtres — Infobox Book name = Spells and Philtres title orig = translator = image caption = Jacket illustration by Frank Utpatel for Spells and Philtres author = Clark Ashton Smith illustrator = cover artist = Frank Utpatel country = United States language … Wikipedia
manticore — /man ti kawr , kohr /, n. a legendary monster with a man s head, horns, a lion s body, and the tail of a dragon or, sometimes, a scorpion. [1300 50; ME < L mantichoras < Gk, erroneous reading for martichóras < Iranian; cf. Old Persian martiya man … Universalium
manticore — man•ti•core [[t]ˈmæn tɪˌkɔr, ˌkoʊr[/t]] n. cvb myt a legendary monster with a man s head, a lion s body, and the tail of a dragon or a scorpion • Etymology: 1300–50; ME < L mantichōrās < Gk … From formal English to slang
man|ti|core — «MAN tih kr, kohr», noun. a fabulous monster having the body of a lion, the head of a man, and the tail or sting of a scorpion. ╂[< Latin manticora < Greek mantichōras, apparently < an old Persian word for “man eater”] … Useful english dictionary