- manentia
ae f. [ maneo ]постоянство, незыблемость Aug
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
MANENTES — apud Gregorium Turonens. de Vitis Patrum c. 1. Helmodum l. 1. c. 10. Alios, iidem sunt Colonis, qui et interdum Servi manentes dicuntur, Gall. Manans et Habitans; de quibus sicapud Car. du Fresne in Glossario Ranfridusscribit, qui floruit sub… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Lanfranc Cigala — (or Cicala) (Italian: Lanfranco, Occitan: Lafranc; fl. 1235–1257) was a Genoese nobleman, knight, judge, and man of letters of the mid thirteenth century. He remains one of the most famous Occitan troubadours of Lombardy. Thirty two of his poems… … Wikipedia
Peire Bremon lo Tort — (or Bremonz lo Tortz ; fl. 1177) was a troubadour from the Viennois. Though only two of his pieces (both love songs) survive, his poetry is characterised by Francoprovençalisms. According to his short vida , he was honoured by all the notable men … Wikipedia
Sünde — (lat. Peccatum), 1) eigentlich jede Übertretung eines Gesetzes, welche eine Sühne (s.d.) verlangt; bes. 3) jede Übertretung der Gebote Gottes od. des Moralgesetzes, wobei Freiheit des Willens, ein bestehendes Gesetz u. die Bekanntschaft mit… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon