- magnalia
magnālia, ium n. [ magnus ]великие дела, чудеса Vlg, Tert
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Magnalia Christi Americana — Title page of the book Magnalia Christi Americana (roughly, The Glorious Works of Christ in America) is a book published in 1702 by Cotton Mather (1663–1728). Its title is in Latin, but its subtitle is in English: The Ecclesiastical History of… … Wikipedia
magnalia — … Useful english dictionary
Cotton Mather — (* 12. Februar 1663 in Boston (Massachusetts Bay Colony); † 13. Februar 1728 ebenda) war ein puritanischer Geistlicher und Gelehrter. Er war die intellektuell wie politisch wohl bedeutendste Figur der dritten englischen Siedlergeneration in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cotton Mather — This article is about the 17th century Puritan minister. For the rock band, see Cotton Mather (band). Cotton Mather Cotton Mather, circa 1700 Born February 12, 1663(1663 02 12) … Wikipedia
ÉTATS-UNIS - La littérature américaine — Le goût qu’ont les lecteurs européens pour la littérature des États Unis n’est pas une mode passagère. On a pu croire que les troupes de la Libération avaient apporté Hemingway dans leurs bagages et que l’âge du roman américain ne durerait pas.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hannah Duston — (born Hannah Emerson, December 23, 1657 c. 1736) was a colonial New England woman who, having been captured during an Indian raid, escaped from her captors by killing them in the night and fleeing in their canoe. She is believed to be the first… … Wikipedia
Samuel Danforth — (1626–1674) was a Puritan minister, preacher, poet, and astronomer, and an associate of the Rev. John Eliot of Roxbury, Massachusetts, known as the “Apostle to the Indians.” He was born October 17, 1626, in Framlingham, Suffolk, England, the… … Wikipedia
Мэзер, Коттон — Коттон Мэзер, англ. Cotton Mather (12 февраля 1663 13 февраля 1728) американский проповедник, религ … Википедия
Nathaniel Eaton — For the American journalist, see Nathaniel Eaton (writer). Nathaniel Eaton Schoolmaster of Harvard College Term 1637 – 1639 Successor Henry Dunster Born … Wikipedia
Richard Mather — (* 1596 in Lowton, Lancashire; † 22. April 1669 in Dorchester, Massachusetts) war ein englischer Geistlicher, der nach seiner Emigration 1635 zu den bedeutendsten geistlichen Führern der ersten Puritanergeneration in Neuengland wurde. Als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Коттон Мэзер — Коттон Мэзер, англ. Cotton Mather (12 февраля 1663 13 февраля 1728) американский проповедник, биолог и медик, плодовитый писатель и пафмлетист (около 450 сочинений), оказавший значительное влияние на американскую политическую мысль XVIII века, а… … Википедия