
Macellīnus, ī m. [ macellum ]
Мясник, прозвище, данное императору Опилию Макрину за его кровожадность Capit

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Macellinus" в других словарях:

  • MACELLINUS — cognomen Macrini Imperat. quo ob saevitiam a servis suis est appel atus. Capitolin. in Opilio Macrino, c. 13. In vernaculis vel aulicis tam impius, tam pertinax, tam asper, ut servi illum sui non Macrinum dicerent, sed Macellinum, quod macelli… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • List of Gnaphosidae species — This page lists all described species of the spider family Gnaphosidae as of June 18, 2008.Allozelotes Allozelotes Yin Peng, 1998 * Allozelotes dianshi Yin Peng, 1998 China * Allozelotes lushan Yin Peng, 1998 ChinaAmazoromus Amazoromus Brescovit… …   Wikipedia

  • Haplodrassus — Haplodrassus …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Aëtius — (d. 454)    Called the last of the Romans by the sixth century Byzantine historian Procopius, Aëtius was the servant of the emperor Valentinian III, the rival of the empress Galla Placidia, and the military commander who preserved Roman control… …   Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe

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