- anaglypta
ōrum n. (греч.)резьба, изделия чеканной работы PM, M
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Anaglypta — is a heavy embossed paper used as a wallcovering. Similar in appearance to lincrusta, anaglypta is made primarily from cotton and paper pulp. Thomas Palmer, who worked for Frederick Walton as a showroom manager, began producing it in 1886 as an… … Wikipedia
Anaglypta — Anaglypta, Fabrikat aus Papiermasse, die in breiigem Zustand in Messingformen gepreßt wird und in diesen erstarrt. A. wird tapetenartig verwendet, dient aber auch als Ersatz von Decken, Wandfriesen etc. aus Stuck und kann mit verhältnismäßig… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Anaglypta® — /an ə glipˈtə/ noun A type of plain white wallpaper that has a heavily embossed pattern (also adjective) ● anaglyph … Useful english dictionary
Anaglypta — n. a type of thick embossed wallpaper, usu. for painting over. Etymology: L anaglypta work in bas relief: cf. ANAGLYPH … Useful english dictionary
anaglypta — noun A thick, embossed wallpaper … Wiktionary
Anaglypta — n. British trademark for thick embossed wallpaper … English contemporary dictionary
AkzoNobel — Akzo Nobel N.V. Type Naamloze vennootschap Traded as Euronext: … Wikipedia
ANAGLYPHA — Graece Α᾿νάγλυφα, vasa caelara, sculpta quod sculpturae genus Italis basso rilievo dicitur. Eucherius l. 3. Regum c. 17. Anaglypha Groece, Latine Caelaturae: caelata autem sunt vasa aurea vel argentea signis eminenitoribus, extra intusque… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Lincrusta — is an embossed fabric used for covering walls, similar in style to anaglypta. It was invented by Frederick Walton in 1877 and is also called Lincrusta Walton or Lincrusta Walton. It was designed to emulate more expensive materials and hence be… … Wikipedia
Darwen — This article is about the town in Lancashire. For the similarly named river which runs through the town, see River Darwen. Not to be confused with any of the possible meanings of Darwin. Coordinates: 53°41′53″N 2°27′40″W / … Wikipedia
Linoleum — For other uses, see Linoleum (disambiguation). Linoleum from around the 1950s Linoleum (informally abbreviated to lino) is a floor covering made from renewable materials such as solidified linseed oil (linoxyn), pine rosin, ground cork dust, wood … Wikipedia