Lycurgus — or Lykurgus may refer to:* People: ** Lycurgus of Sparta (c. 700 –630 BCE), ruler ** Lycurgus of Athens (390s 320s), activist government administrator * Mythological figures: ** Lycurgus (Arcadia), king ** Lycurgus (Thrace), opponent of Dionysus… … Wikipedia
Lycurgus — [lī kʉr′gəs] real or legendary Spartan lawgiver of about the 9th cent. B.C … English World dictionary
Lycurgus — /luy kerr geuhs/, n. fl. 9th century B.C., Spartan lawgiver. * * * I born с 390 died 324 BC Athenian orator and statesman. He supported Demosthenes in opposing Macedonia. As controller of state finances (338–326), he was noted for his efficient… … Universalium
LYCURGUS — I. LYCURGUS Nemeae Rex, Archemori pater. Stat. Theb. l. 5. v. 638. 647. 653. 696. et 702. It. Lycurgus Gigas ab Osiride in Thracia peremptus. Berosus l. 5. Diod. Sic. l. 1. II. LYCURGUS Rhetor Atheniensis magni nominis, duodeoim Annis reditus… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Lycurgus of Sparta — Lycurgus (Greek: polytonic|Λυκοῦργος, Lukoûrgos ; 700 BC? ndash;630 BC) was the legendary lawgiver of Sparta, who established the military oriented reformation of Spartan society in accordance with the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi. All his reforms… … Wikipedia
Lycurgus (Thrace) — Lycurgus (also Lykurgos, Lykourgos) was a king of the Edoni in Thrace, and the father of Dryas, the oak ( Iliad vi). He banned the cult of Dionysus. When Lycurgus heard that Dionysus was in his kingdom, he imprisoned Dionysus followers, the… … Wikipedia
Lycurgus of Athens — Lycurgus (in Greek Λυκοῦργος; 396 ndash;323 BC), an Attic orator, was born at Athens about 396 BC, and was the son of Lycophron, who belonged to the noble family of the Eteobutadae.Pseudo Plutarch, Moralia , Lives of the Ten Orators , [http://www … Wikipedia
Lycurgus cup — Lycurgus cup, a Roman glass beaker in the British Museum, made of a dichroic glass, to show different colors. [ photspec/Press files/NewsnViews Leonhardt.pdf] The carved image of the beaker refers to the myth of… … Wikipedia
Lycurgus (Arcadia) — Lycurgus, in Greek mythology, was the king of Arcadia. He was the son of Aleus, the previous ruler, and Neaera, daughter of Proteus. Lycurgus married either Cleophyle or Eurynome and bore these sons: Ancaeus, Epochus, Amphidamas, and Iasius.… … Wikipedia
Lycurgus — biographical name 9th century B.C. Spartan lawgiver … New Collegiate Dictionary
LYCURGUS — the legislator of Sparta, who lived in the 9th century B.C.; in the interest of it as king visited the wise in other lands, and returned with the wise lessons he had learned from them to frame a code of laws for his country, which was fast… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia