- luror
lūror, ōris m.болезненная желтизна, тж. блёклость, мертвенная бледность Lcr, Ap, Cld
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Nachtfalke — (German for Night Falcon) is both a black metal and Viking metal band from Germany, formed in 1996 by Tino Mothes (who goes by the professional name Occulta Mors ), formerly a member of several bands including Moonblood, Nargaroth, Ravenclaw,… … Wikipedia
Der Fünfzehnjährige Krieg — Absurd Gründung 1992 Genre Black Metal, Pagan Metal Website http://www.hordeabsurd.com … Deutsch Wikipedia
Totenlieder — Absurd Gründung 1992 Genre Black Metal, Pagan Metal Website http://www.hordeabsurd.com … Deutsch Wikipedia
Werwolfthron — Absurd Gründung 1992 Genre Black Metal, Pagan Metal Website http://www.hordeabsurd.com … Deutsch Wikipedia
Atrotus — Atrotus Clasificación científica Reino: Animalia … Wikipedia Español
lurid — lu|rid [ˈluərıd, ˈljuərıd US ˈlurıd] adj [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: luridus pale yellow , from luror pale yellow color ] 1.) a description, story etc that is lurid is deliberately shocking and involves sex or violence = ↑explicit ▪ lurid… … Dictionary of contemporary English
lour — v. n. [lure]. K. Horn, 276; part. ‘luring.’ O. and N. 423. Lat. luror … Oldest English Words
lurid — [ l(j)ʊərɪd] adjective 1》 unpleasantly vivid in colour. 2》 (of a description) shocking or sensational. Derivatives luridly adverb luridness noun Origin C17 (in the sense pale and dismal ): from L. luridus; related to luror wan or yellow colour … English new terms dictionary
luridness — lu·rid (lo͝or’ĭd) adj. 1) a) Characterized by vivid description or explicit details that are meant to provoke or shock: »a lurid account of the crime. b) Characterized by shocking or outrageous behavior: »a friend with a lurid past. 2) a) Bright… … Word Histories
lurid — ► ADJECTIVE 1) unpleasantly vivid in colour. 2) (of a description) shocking or sensational. DERIVATIVES luridly adverb luridness noun. ORIGIN originally in the sense «pale and dismal»: from Latin luridus, related to luror wan or yellow colour … English terms dictionary
luridly — lurid ► ADJECTIVE 1) unpleasantly vivid in colour. 2) (of a description) shocking or sensational. DERIVATIVES luridly adverb luridness noun. ORIGIN originally in the sense «pale and dismal»: from Latin luridus, related to luror wan or yellow… … English terms dictionary