- lumbulus
ī m. PM demin. к lumbus
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Nombles — Nom bles, n. pl. [F. nombles, fr. L. lumbulus, dim. of lumbus a loin. Cf. {Numbles}, {Umbles}, {Humbles}.] The entrails of a deer; the umbles. [Written also {numbles}.] Johnson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
numbles — Nombles Nom bles, n. pl. [F. nombles, fr. L. lumbulus, dim. of lumbus a loin. Cf. {Numbles}, {Umbles}, {Humbles}.] The entrails of a deer; the umbles. [Written also {numbles}.] Johnson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Juncture loss — (also known as junctural metanalysis, false splitting, misdivision, refactorization, or rebracketing) is the linguistic process by which two words (often an article and a noun) become partially or wholly affixed. Some examples would be if a… … Wikipedia
Rebracketing — For the process by which the elements of a word are given new meanings, see Folk etymology. Contents 1 Role in forming new words 2 Examples 3 … Wikipedia
humblepie — humble pie n. A pie formerly made from the edible organs of a deer or hog. Idiom: eat humble pie To be forced to apologize abjectly or admit one s faults in humiliating circumstances. [Alteration (influenced by humble), of obsolete umble pie… … Universalium
numbles — /num beuhlz/, n.pl. certain of the inward parts of an animal, esp. of a deer, used as food. Also, nombles. [1275 1325; ME < MF nombles fillet of venison, pl. of nomble, dissimilated var. of *lomble < L lumbulus, dim. of lumbus loin. See LUMB ,… … Universalium
Lümmel — männliches Glied; Pillermann (umgangssprachlich); Pimmelmann (derb); Phallus (fachsprachlich); Zauberstab (umgangssprachlich); Penis; Glied; … Universal-Lexikon
nombles — (non bl ) s. m. pl. Terme de vénerie. Se dit des deux muscles de l intérieur des cuisses du cerf. On le dit aussi des boeufs et des vaches. HISTORIQUE XIVe s. • Nombles et queue de sanglier à la sausse chaude, Ménagier, II, 4. • En un… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
νεβουλιά — νεβουλιά, τὰ (Μ) τα ψαχνά τού σώματος γύρω από τα νεφρά, τα ισχία. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Η λ. συνδέεται με τον ιταλ. διαλεκτ. τ. snembola (πρβλ. βεν. nombolo) < λατ. lumbulus, υποκορ. τού lumbus, i «ισχίο», πιθ. με ανομοίωση (πρβλ. λαλαγγίτες: νελαγγίτες)] … Dictionary of Greek
Lummel — Sm Lendenstück per. Wortschatz obd. (8. Jh.), mhd. lumb, lumbel(e), ahd. lumbal Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus gleichbedeutend l. lumbulus, Diminutiv zu l. lumbus Lende . Sekundär motiviert in österr. Lungenbraten. ✎ Kretschmer (1969), 197f. lateinisch … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
numbles — (also umbles) plural noun archaic an animal s entrails, especially those of a deer, as used for food. Origin ME (denoting the back and loins of a deer): from OFr., from L. lumbulus, dimin. of lumbus loin … English new terms dictionary