- loquaculus
loquāculus, a, um [demin. к loquax ]довольно болтливый, словоохотливый Lcr
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
List of Culex species — This is a list of described Culex species around the world, as of 2006. Subspecies have been omitted. There are possibly errors and inaccuracies in this list that stem from the conversion from the source. Please check the original source when in… … Wikipedia
Список видов настоящих комаров — Содержание 1 Подрод Acalleomyia Leicester 2 Подрод Acallyntrum Stone Penn 3 Подрод … Википедия
avantparleur — Avantparleur, Qui s avance trop de parler, Locutor, Locutuleius, Loquax, Loquaculus … Thresor de la langue françoyse
babillard — Babillard, Blatero, Garrulus, Gerro, Linguax, Loquax, Loquaculus, Locuteleius, blatero, blateronis. Un babillard, Un rapporte nouvelle, Un deceleur de secrets, Aius, locutius. Une babillarde et languarde, Linguax Fabulatrix … Thresor de la langue françoyse