- logisticus
a, um (греч.)финансово-налоговый Eccl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
logistique — [ lɔʒistik ] n. f. et adj. • 1590 adj. « qui pense logiquement »; bas lat. logisticus, gr. logistikos I ♦ Didact. 1 ♦ (1611) Vx Art de compter. Vieilli Logique mathématique. 2 ♦ (1904) Mod. Logique symbolique; système d algorithmes appliqués à la … Encyclopédie Universelle
Logistik — Nachschubwesen; Warenwirtschaft; Materialwirtschaft; MM * * * Lo|gịs|tik 〈f.; ; unz.〉 1. mathemat. od. philosoph. Logik 2. 〈Wirtsch.〉 Gesamtheit an Prozessen, die für die (Produktions )Organisation eines Unternehmens notwendig sind 3. 〈Mil.〉… … Universal-Lexikon
Усачики — Усачики … Википедия
Abăcus — (lat., vom gr.), 1) Tisch, worauf man Prunkgefäße setzte; 2) Rechenbret zu arithmetischen Berechnungen; daher Abacist, Rechenmeister; 3) Zahlentabelle, z.B. A. pythagoricus, das Einmaleins; A. logisticus (Canon hexacondaton), Tafel zur… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
logistic — logistic1 logistically, adv. /loh jis tik, leuh /, adj. of or pertaining to logistics. Also, logistical. [1930 35; back formation from LOGISTICS] logistic2 /loh jis tik, leuh /, n. Sometimes, logistics. 1. symbolic logic … Universalium
Dorcasominae — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta … Wikipedia
logistic — (adj.) pertaining to logic, 1620s, from M.L. logisticus, from Gk. logistikos endued with reason, from logikos (see LOGIC (Cf. logic)). Related: Logistical (1560s); logistically. Logistics from this word, in the sense art of arithmetical… … Etymology dictionary
logistic — I lo•gis•tic [[t]loʊˈdʒɪs tɪk, lə [/t]] also lo•gis′ti•cal adj. of or pertaining to logistics • Etymology: 1930–35; back formation from logistics lo•gis′ti•cal•ly, adv. II lo•gis•tic [[t]loʊˈdʒɪs tɪk, lə [/t]] n. 1) symbolic logic 2) of or… … From formal English to slang
logistic — logistic1 [lō jis′tik] adj. of logistics: also logistical logistically adv. logistic2 [lō jis′tik] adj. [ML logisticus < Gr logistikos, skilled in calculation < logizesthai, to calculate < logos, a word: see LOGIC] of calculation n. Rare … English World dictionary
logistics — [lō jis′tiks] n. [Fr logistique < logis, lodgings (< loger, to quarter: see LODGE): form as if < ML logisticus: see LOGISTIC2] 1. the branch of military science having to do with procuring, maintaining, and transporting materiel,… … English World dictionary
lo|gis|tics — «loh JIHS tihks», noun. 1. a) the art of planning and carrying out military movement, evacuation, and supply. b) the planning and carrying out of any complex or large scale operation or activity: »The logistics were staggering, and in fact, the… … Useful english dictionary