Locris — (Greek, Modern: polytonic|Λοκρίδα Lokrida, Ancient: polytonic|Λοκρίς Lokris) was a region of ancient Greece, the homeland of the Locrians, made up of two districts. Opuntian Locris or Eastern Locris was on the mainland coast stretching from… … Wikipedia
Locris — [lō′kris] region of ancient Greece, north of the Gulf of Corinth Locrian [lō′krē ən, lôk′rēən] adj., n … English World dictionary
Locris — geographical name region of ancient Greece N of Gulf of Corinth • Locrian adjective or noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Locris — Locrian, n., adj. /loh kris/, n. either of two districts in the central part of ancient Greece. * * * … Universalium
Locris — Lo•cris [[t]ˈloʊ krɪs[/t]] n. geg either of two districts in the central part of ancient Greece Lo′cri•an, n. adj … From formal English to slang
Locris — /ˈloʊkrɪs/ (say lohkris) noun either of two districts in the central part of ancient Greece. Also, Lokris. –Locrian /ˈloʊkriən/ (say lohkreeuhn), noun …
Locris — Locrian, n., adj. /loh kris/, n. either of two districts in the central part of ancient Greece … Useful english dictionary
Ozolian Locris — in Central Greece, west of Attica, under the name Locride Ozolian Locris or Esperian Locris (Greek: Οζολία Λοκρίς ή Εσπερία Λοκρίς) was a district inhabited by the Ozolian Locrians a tribe of the Locrians, upon the Corinthian gulf, bounded on the … Wikipedia
Opuntian Locris — or Eastern Locris was an ancient Greek region inhabited by the eastern division of the Locrians, the so called tribe of the Locri Epicnemidii (Greek: Λοκροί Ἐπικνημίδιοι) or Locri Opuntii (Greek: Λοκροί Ὀπούντιοι). Contents 1 Geography 1.1… … Wikipedia
Nicaea, Locris — Nicaea or Nikaia (Greek: Νίκαια), was an ancient fortress of the Locri Epicnemidii, situated upon the sea, and close to the pass of Thermopylae. It is described by Aeschines as one of the places which commanded the pass.[1] It was the first… … Wikipedia
Nicaea (Locris) — Nicaea or Nikaia (Greek: polytonic|Νίκαια), was an ancient fortress of the Locri Epicnemidii, situated upon the sea, and close to the pass of Thermopylae. It is described by Aeschines as one of the places which commanded the pass. (De Fals. Leg.… … Wikipedia