
lītigātus, (ūs) m. [ litigo ]
спор, тяжба, судебный процесс O

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "litigatus" в других словарях:

  • litigate — verb ( gated; gating) Etymology: Latin litigatus, past participle of litigare, from lit , lis lawsuit + agere to drive more at agent Date: 1615 intransitive verb to carry on a legal contest by judicial process transitive verb 1. archaic dis …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • litigate — litigative, adj. /lit i gayt /, v., litigated, litigating. v.t. 1. to make the subject of a lawsuit; contest at law. 2. Archaic. to dispute (a point, assertion, etc.). v.i. 3. to carry on a lawsuit. [1605 15; < L litigatus (ptp. of litigare to go …   Universalium

  • litigate — lit·i·gate / li tə ˌgāt/ vb gat·ed, gat·ing [Latin litigatus, past participle of litigare, from lit , lis lawsuit + agere to drive] vi: to seek resolution of a legal contest by judicial process chose to litigate rather than settle vt: to make the …   Law dictionary

  • litigate — (v.) 1610s, from M.Fr. litigier and directly from L. litigatus, pp. of litigare to dispute, carry on a suit (see LITIGATION (Cf. litigation)). Related: Litigated; litigating …   Etymology dictionary

  • litigate — lit•i•gate [[t]ˈlɪt ɪˌgeɪt[/t]] v. gat•ed, gat•ing 1) law to make the subject of a lawsuit; contest at law 2) law to carry on a lawsuit • Etymology: 1605–15; < L lītigātus, ptp. of lītigāre to go to law =līt , s. of līs a lawsuit + igāre (cf.… …   From formal English to slang

  • litigate — [c]/ˈlɪtəgeɪt / (say lituhgayt) verb (litigated, litigating) –verb (t) 1. to make the subject of a lawsuit; to contest at law. 2. to dispute (a point, etc). –verb (i) 3. to carry on a lawsuit. {Latin lītigātus, past participle} –litigator, noun …  

  • litigate — [lit′igāt΄] vt. litigated, litigating [< L litigatus, pp. of litigare, to dispute, carry on a suit < lis (gen. litis), dispute + agere, to do: see ACT1] to contest in a lawsuit vi. to carry on a lawsuit litigator n …   English World dictionary

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