
ī m. (греч. ; лат. spuma argenti)
литаргирий (свинцовый глет, серебристая окалина) PM

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "lithargyros" в других словарях:

  • litargirio — (Del lat. lithargyrum < gr. lithargyros.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 MINERALOGÍA Monóxido de plomo de color amarillo casi rojizo, que es ligeramente soluble en agua, que se oxida al ponerlo al rojo y se convierte en minio. SINÓNIMO [litarge]… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • litharge — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French litarge, from Latin lithargyrus, from Greek lithargyros, from lithos + argyros silver more at argent Date: 14th century a fused lead monoxide; broadly lead monoxide …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Mines du Laurion — Carte du Laurion antique Les mines du Laurion sont d anciennes mines d argent, situées dans la pointe méridionale de l Attique, entre Thorikos et le cap Sounion, à une cinquantaine de kilomètres au sud d Athènes, en Grèce. De nombreux vestiges de …   Wikipédia en Français

  • litharge — /lith ahrj, li thahrj /, n. a yellowish or reddish, odorless, heavy, earthy, water insoluble, poisonous solid, PbO, used chiefly in the manufacture of storage batteries, pottery, lead glass, paints, enamels, and inks. Also called lead monoxide,… …   Universalium

  • litharge — lith•arge [[t]ˈlɪθ ɑrdʒ, lɪˈθɑrdʒ[/t]] n. chem. a yellowish or reddish poisonous solid, PbO, used chiefly in the manufacture of storage batteries • Etymology: 1350–1400; litarge < MF < L lithargyrus < Gk lithárgyros spume of silver …   From formal English to slang

  • litharge — /ˈlɪθadʒ/ (say lithahj) noun a red earthy substance, lead monoxide, PbO, used in compounding glazes and glasses. {Middle English litarge, from Old French, from Latin lithargyrus, from Greek lithargyros spume of silver} …  

  • litharge — Litharge, Lithargyrium, vel Lithargyros …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • litharge — [lith′ärj΄, li thärj′] n. [OFr litarge < L lithargyrus < Gr lithargyros, spume or foam of silver < lithos, a stone + argyros, silver] an oxide of lead, PbO, used in storage batteries, ceramic cements, paints, etc …   English World dictionary

  • lith|arge — «LIHTH ahrj, lih THAHRJ», noun. 1. a yellow or reddish oxide of lead, used in making glass, glazes for pottery, and driers for paints and varnishes; lead monoxide. Formula: PbO 2. (sometimes) any form of lead monoxide, such as massicot, which is… …   Useful english dictionary

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