- Ampycus
- ī m.Ампик1) сын Япета, жрец Цереры O2) лапиф, отец Мопса (см. Ampycides )
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Ampycus — /am pi keuhs/, n. Class. Myth. a son of Pelias, husband of Chloris, and father of Mopsus. Also, Ampyx /am piks/. * * * … Universalium
Ampycus — /am pi keuhs/, n. Class. Myth. a son of Pelias, husband of Chloris, and father of Mopsus. Also, Ampyx /am piks/ … Useful english dictionary
Ampyx — has several meanings; in hair care, an ampyx is a headband, often made of metal. In Greek mythology, there were a number of figures with the name Ampyx, Amycus or Ampycus (alt. Ampykos ).* Ampyx or Ampycus was a seer, the son of Elatus the Lapith … Wikipedia
Elatus — There were six figures named Elatus or Élatos in Greek mythology.* Elatus, a Lapith chieftain, was the father, by Hippeia, of: **Ischys who was beloved by Coronis. He may have been the son of a different Elatus. **Caeneus **Polyphemus **Ampycus.… … Wikipedia
Caeneus — In Greek mythology, Caeneus (Ancient Greek Καινεύς or Kaineus) was a Lapith hero and originally a Thessalonian woman, Caenis. MythCaenis, the daughter of Elatus (a Lapith chieftain) and Hippea, was raped by Poseidon, who then fulfilled her… … Wikipedia
Gonyleptidae — Gonyleptidae … Wikipédia en Français
Ampyx [2] — AMPYX, des Mopsus Vater. Sieh vorher Ampycus … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon