- libellatici
- libellāticī, ōrum m. [ libellus ]либеллатики, христиане, которые, во избежание преследований, приобретали удостоверения об исполнении ими языческих обрядов Eccl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Libellatĭci — Libellatĭci, in der ersten Kirche diejenigen Christen, welche sich aus Furcht vor Verfolgung von heidnischen Obrigkeiten, deuen sie heimlich ihren Abfall versicherten, Scheine auswirkten, daß sie den römischen Göttern geopfert hätten, od. diesen… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Libellatĭci — (lat.), s. Lapsi … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
LIBELLATICI — sic in primitiva Eccl. ex Christianis dicebantur, qui persecutionis metu, a magistratibus ethnicis, apuc quos clam se fidei renuntiâsse prositebantur, literas impetrabant, quae testabantur, illos edictis Imp. obtemperantes, Idolis fecisse: sicque … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Libellatici, Libelli — • The libelli were certificates issued to Christians of the third century Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Libellatici, Libelli Libellatici, Libelli … Catholic encyclopedia
Libellatici — (лат.) христиане, к рые во время гонений (250 251) императора Деция приобретали требуемое свидетельство (libellus) о том, что ими было совершено надлежащее жертвоприношение. Они делали это, чтобы избежать мученичества и жертвоприношений… … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
Lapsi — • The regular designation in the third century for Christians who relapsed into heathenism, especially for those who during the persecutions displayed weakness in the face of torture, and denied the Faith by sacrificing to the heathen gods or by… … Catholic encyclopedia
St. Cyprian of Carthage — St. Cyprian of Carthage † Catholic Encyclopedia ► St. Cyprian of Carthage (Thaschus Cæcilius Cyprianus). Bishop and martyr. Of the date of the saint s birth and of his early life nothing is known. At the time of his conversion to… … Catholic encyclopedia
Cyprian — Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus Saint Cyprian Icon of Saint Cyprian Bishop and Martyr Born 3rd century AD North Africa Died … Wikipedia
Early African Church — The name Early African Church is given to the Christian communities inhabiting the region known politically as Roman Africa, and comprised geographically within the following limits, namely: the Mediterranean littoral between Cyrenaica on the… … Wikipedia
Lapsi (Christian) — Lapsi was the name given to apostates in the early Christian Church, when Christians were persecuted by the Roman authorities to renounce their faith. It also means those who have lapsed or fallen away from their faith and decide later in life to … Wikipedia
Libellus — A libellus (plural libelli ) was a document given to a Christian to certify performance of a pagan sacrifice, hence demonstrating loyalty to the authorities of the Roman Empire. They could also mean certificates of indulgence, in which the… … Wikipedia