
Leonnātus, ī m.
Леоннат, полководец Александра Македонского, получивший после его смерти власть над Фригией, союзник Антипатра, в 322 г. до н. э. погиб в битве при Ламии Nep, QC, PM

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Leonnatus" в других словарях:

  • Leonnatus — (356 BC 322 BC), Macedonian officer of Alexander the Great and one of the diadochi. He was a member of the royal house of Lyncestis, a small kingdom that had been included in Macedonia by King Philip II of Macedon. Leonnatus was the same age as… …   Wikipedia

  • Leonnatus Anteas — Thoroughbred racehorse infobox horsename = Leonnatus Anteas caption = sire = Stormy Atlantic dam = South Sea Blues damsire = Cure The Blues sex = Stallion foaled = 2004 country = Canada flagicon|Canada colour = Chestnut breeder = Josham Farms… …   Wikipedia

  • ЛЕОННАТ —    • Leonnātus,          Λεόννατος, из княжеского рода в Пелле македонской, служил в страже телохранителей Филиппа и после его умерщвления принимал деятельное участие в поимке убийцы его Павсания. Затем сопровождал сына его Александра в походе… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Diadochi — Bust of Seleucus Nicator (victor), last of the original Diadochi standing by 281 BC The Diadochi (plural of Latin Diadochus, from Greek: Διάδοχοι, Diadokhoi, Successors ) were the rival generals, family and friends of Alexander the Great who… …   Wikipedia

  • Cophen Campaign — Alexander s Indian campaign Part of Indian campaign of Alexander the Great The Valley of the Cophen River …   Wikipedia

  • Somatophylakes — (singular: somatophylax ), in its literal English translation from Ancient Greek, means bodyguards . These bodyguards were high ranking military units within the Ancient Macedonian army. They consisted of seven men who often held additional high… …   Wikipedia

  • Arybbas (somatophylax) — For other person with the same name, see Arybbas Arybbas was a somatophylax of Alexander the Great. He was probably from Epirus, a member of the Molossian royal house (i.e., a relative of Olympias). He died of illness in Egypt in the winter of… …   Wikipedia

  • 322 BC — NOTOC EventsBy placeMacedonian Empire* In Babylon, the struggle for the succession to Alexander the Great develops. With Roxana giving birth to Alexander the Great s son, Alexander IV Aegus, a compromise is reached by the Macedonian generals so… …   Wikipedia

  • Nearchus — For the saint, see Saint Nearchus. Nearchus (Greek: Νέαρχος, Nearchos; c. 360 300 BC) was one of the officers, a navarch, in the army of Alexander the Great. His celebrated voyage from India to Susa after Alexander s expedition in India is… …   Wikipedia

  • Craterus — For other uses , see Craterus (disambiguation) Craterus (Greek: Κρατερός, ca. 370 BC – 321 BC) was a Macedonian general under Alexander the Great and one of the Diadochi. Alexander and Craterus in a lion hunt, mosaic in Pella He was the son of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Meleager (general) — Meleager (Greek: Mελεαγρος Meleagros; died 323 BC) was a Macedonian officer of distinction in the service of Alexander the Great. Meleager, son of Neoptolemus, is first mentioned in the war against the Getae (335 BC). At the Granicus in the… …   Wikipedia

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