- Amphinomus
ī m.Амфином, катанский юноша, который со своим братом Анапом спас родителей во время извержения Этны VM, Cld, Sil, Sen
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Amphinomus — In Greek mythology, Amphinomus, also Amphínomos (literally grazing all about ), was the son of King Nisos and one of the suitors of Penelope that was killed by Odysseus. Amphinomus was considered the best behaved of the suitors. Despite Odysseus… … Wikipedia
AMPHINOMUS — I. AMPHINOMUS Philosophus, scripta quaedam Geometrica reliquit; Proclo laudatus, Commentar in Euclid. l. 1. et Vossio, de Scient. Mathem. c. 54. §. 17. Quô tempore vixerit, incertum. Nic. Lloydius. II. AMPHINOMUS unus ex procis penelopes a… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
AMPHINOMUS et ANAPIUS — AMPHINOMUS, et ANAPIUS Siculi fratres; cum Aetnae incendiô Catana urbs, et omnia prope Siciliae loca deflagrarent, parentes humeris impositos periculo subduxertunt. Vide Val. Max. l. 5. c. 4. ex. 4. Et. Senec. l. 3. de Benef. c. 37. Cornel.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Amphinomus — /am fin euh meuhs/, n. (in the Odyssey) Penelope s favorite suitor. * * * … Universalium
Amphinomus — /am fin euh meuhs/, n. (in the Odyssey) Penelope s favorite suitor … Useful english dictionary
List of Greek mythological figures — A listing of Greek mythological beings. Many of the gods and goddesses had Roman and Etruscan equivalents. See also family tree of the Greek gods and the list of Greek mythological creatures. For a list of the deities of many cultures (including… … Wikipedia
Circe — For other uses, see Circe (disambiguation). Circe Offering the Cup to Odysseus, by John William Waterhouse. In Greek mythology, Circe ( … Wikipedia
Catania — Infobox CityIT official name = Comune di Catania img coa = Catania Stemma Alt.png img coa small = image caption = u Liotru , symbol of Catania region = RegioneIT|sigla=SIC province = ProvinciaIT (short form)|sigla=CT (CT) mayor = Raffaele… … Wikipedia
Menelaus — For other uses, see Menelaus (disambiguation). Menelaus In Greek mythology, Menelaus (Ancient Greek: Μενέλαος, Menelaos) was a legendary king of Mycenaean (pre Dorian) Sparta, the husband of Helen of Troy, and a central figure in the Trojan War … Wikipedia
Penelope — In Homer s Odyssey , Penelópē ( Πηνελόπεια/Πηνελόπη ) is the faithful wife of Odysseus, who keeps her suitors at bay in his long absence and so is eventually rejoined with him. Prior to recent readings, her name had been associated with… … Wikipedia
Telemachus — For other uses, see Telemachus (disambiguation). Telemachus departing from Nestor, painting by Henry Howard (1769–1847) Telemachus ( … Wikipedia