- lator
lātor, ōris m. [ fero ]приносящий, вносящийl. legis C или rogationis L — предлагающий законопроект (автор законопроекта)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
lator — tab·u·lator; … English syllables
lator — escalator … Dictionnaire des rimes
lator — adv slower, later [cmp of late; spl latost] … Old to modern English dictionary
LATOR — Laser Astrometric Test of Relativity Contributor: CASI … NASA Acronyms
lator — (Roman law.) A messenger; the bearer of a message; the proposer of a law … Ballentine's law dictionary
lator — … Useful english dictionary
Trav-O-Lator — A Trav O Lator is the moving walkway (or moving sidewalk ) manufactured by Otis Elevator Company. Often mistaken for the generic or colloquial phrases travelator and travalator, the Trav O Lator is a specific product available in two models,… … Wikipedia
Drip-O-lator — A Drip O lator is a patented coffee pot for making drip coffee. Drip O lators were patented in 1921 and in 1930 and manufactured in Massillon, Ohio, or Macon, Georgia, U. S. A.. Collectible pottery The production of Drip O lators ceased in the… … Wikipedia
Michel Lator — est un ancien footballeur français, né le 8 septembre 1946 à Baie Mahault (Guadeloupe). Il a évolué comme défenseur au CS Sedan Ardennes. 1m76 pour 72kg. Carrière de Joueur 1970 1972: AS Nancy Lorraine 1972 1973: Strasbourg !RC Strasbourg 1973… … Wikipédia en Français
législateur — législateur, trice [ leʒislatɶr, tris ] n. et adj. • XIVe; lat. legislator 1 ♦ Vieilli Personne qui fait les lois, qui donne des lois à un peuple. L autorité, la sagesse du législateur. Adj. Un monarque législateur. La nation, législatrice et… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Legislator — Leg is*la tor (l[e^]j [i^]s*l[=a] t[ e]r), n. [L. legis lator, prop., a proposer of a law; lex, legis, law + lator a proposer, bearer, fr. latus, used as p. p. of ferre to bear: cf. F. l[ e]gislateur. See {Legal}, and {Tolerate}.] A lawgiver; one … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English