Смотреть что такое "Latius" в других словарях:
LATIUS — cogn. Iovis apud Rom. celebre. Stat. l. 5. Sylv. 3. v. 292. Scipio sic plenos Latio Iove ducere somnos Creditur Ausoniis de quo vide Ioh. Passerat. ad Propert. l. 3. Eleg. 4. v. 6. ut et in voce Iuppiter … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Panicum fauriei var. latius — ID 59170 Symbol Key PAFAL Common Name Faurie s panicgrass Family Poaceae Category Monocot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity Native to U.S. US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution HI Growth Habit Graminoid Duration … USDA Plant Characteristics
Panicum fauriei Hitchc. var. latius (H. St. John) Davidse — Symbol PAFAL Common Name Faurie s panicgrass Botanical Family Poaceae … Scientific plant list
Panicum fauriei Hitchc. var. latius (H. St. John) Davidse — Symbol PAFAL Common Name Faurie s panicgrass Botanical Family Poaceae … Scientific plant list
Panicum nubigenum Kunth var. latius H. St. John — Symbol PAFAL Synonym Symbol PANUL Botanical Family Poaceae … Scientific plant list
List of fishes of Pune district — This is a list of the fishes of the Pune district in India. The Pune district includes the basin of the Bhima River which joins the Krishna River. The fishes recorded from this region are arranged by taxonomy. Fact|date=June 2007 Order… … Wikipedia
List of fresh water fishes of Maharashtra — List of fresh water fishes of Maharashtra= Fresh water fish resource of Maharashtra constitutes 6 orders 25 families and 160 species. There are many species like Oriochromis, Grass carp, common carp, silver carp, etc. that have been introduced in … Wikipedia
The Morall Fabillis of Esope the Phrygian — The Preiching of the Swallow The Morall Fabillis of Esope the Phrygian is a cycle of connected poems by the Scottish makar Robert Henryson. In the accepted text it consists of thirteen versions of fables, seven modelled on stories from Aesop… … Wikipedia
Impasse de la Poupée — 50° 50′ 45″ N 4° 21′ 08″ E / 50.845839, 4.352303 L Impasse du Dragon … Wikipédia en Français
Italie Préromaine — Le territoire correspondant aujourd hui à l Italie a été peuplé de manière continue durant la Préhistoire et la Protohistoire, depuis le Paléolithique inférieur jusqu à la fondation de la monarchie romaine. Sommaire 1 Préhistoire 2 Protohistoire… … Wikipédia en Français
Italie preromaine — Italie préromaine Le territoire correspondant aujourd hui à l Italie a été peuplé de manière continue durant la Préhistoire et la Protohistoire, depuis le Paléolithique inférieur jusqu à la fondation de la monarchie romaine. Sommaire 1… … Wikipédia en Français