Late Quaternary prehistoric birds — Prehistoric birds are various taxa of birds that became extinct before recorded history, or more precisely, before they could be studied alive by bird scientists. They are known from subfossil remains and sometimes folk memory, as in the case of… … Wikipedia
Caracara (genus) — Caracara Northern Caracara (Caracara cheriway) in Texas, USA. Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Spätquartäre Avifauna — Moas werden von einem Haastadler attackiert Die Erforschung der spätquartären Avifauna ist eine Teildisziplin der Paläornithologie, die sich mit Vogeltaxa beschäftigt, die zwischen dem Jungpleistozän und dem Jahre 1500 (Beginn der Besiedelung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Aves prehistóricas del Cuaternario tardío — Anexo:Aves prehistóricas del Cuaternario tardío Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para una lista de aves fósiles conocidas solamente por registro fósil, vea Lista de Aves fósiles. Para aves que se extinguieron desde el año 1500 d.C., vea Lista de… … Wikipedia Español
latebroso — ► adjetivo Que se esconde y no se deja conocer. * * * latebroso, a (del lat. «latebrōsus») adj. Se aplica a lo que o el que se oculta o no se deja conocer. ⇒ Misterioso. * * * latebroso, sa. (Del lat. latebrōsus). adj. Que se oculta y esconde y… … Enciclopedia Universal
List of endemic fauna of Puerto Rico — This is a list of the endemic fauna of Puerto Rico. This list is sorted in alphabetical order by the scientific name of the species, which are in parentheses. Birds*Yellow shouldered Blackbird ( Agelaius xanthomus ) *Puerto Rican Parrot ( Amazona … Wikipedia
List of Amaurobiidae species — This page lists all described species of the spider family Amaurobiidae as of June 12, 2008.Alloclubionoides Alloclubionoides Paik, 1992 * Alloclubionoides amurensis (Ovtchinnikov, 1999) Russia * Alloclubionoides bifidus (Paik, 1976) Korea *… … Wikipedia
Amaurobius — Taxobox name = Amaurobius image caption = Amaurobius similis (female) image width = 250px regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Arachnida ordo = Araneae subordo = Araneomorphae familia = Amaurobiidae genus = Amaurobius genus authority … Wikipedia
List of Camponotus species — This is a list of extant valid species and subspecies of the formicine genus Camponotus (Carpenter ants).* Camponotus abditus Forel, 1899 * Camponotus abjectus Santschi, 1937 * Camponotus abrahami Forel, 1913 * Camponotus abscisus Roger, 1863 *… … Wikipedia
Fauna Puerto Ricos — Der Höhlen Pfeiffrosch (Eleutherodactylus coqui), die wohl bekannteste Art der puerto ricanischen Fauna Die Fauna Puerto Ricos ist, ähnlich wie die Fauna anderer Inselarchipele, reich an endemischen Arten.[1] Fledermäuse sind die einzigen noch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Camponotus — Camponotus … Wikipédia en Français