- laeticus
a, um [ laetus II \]обрабатываемый летами (terrae CTh)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Étymologie de Liège — Carte de Cabinet des Pays Bas autrichiens levée à l initiative du comte de Ferraris vers 1770 : inscription LIEGE L étymologie du nom de la ville de Liège a suscité, depuis le Moyen Âge, une longue série d hypothèses[1]. La dernière révision … Wikipédia en Français
liege — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French lige, from Late Latin laeticus, from laetus serf, of Germanic origin; akin to Old Frisian let serf Date: 14th century 1. a. having the right to feudal allegiance or service < his liege… … New Collegiate Dictionary
liege — /leej, leezh/, n. 1. a feudal lord entitled to allegiance and service. 2. a feudal vassal or subject. adj. 3. owing primary allegiance and service to a feudal lord. 4. pertaining to the relation between a feudal vassal and lord. 5. loyal;… … Universalium
LIGE — Un même homme peut au Moyen Âge se trouver vassal de plusieurs seigneurs: mais il doit à un seul d’entre eux, qu’il reconnaît comme son principal seigneur, l’hommage lige. Il en devient l’homme lige et doit lui rendre tous les services d’un… … Encyclopédie Universelle
liege — (adj.) word used by a vassal to address his superior or lord in the feudal system, c.1300, from Anglo Fr. lige (late 13c.), O.Fr. lige (feudal) liege, free, giving or receiving fidelity, perhaps from L.L. laeticus cultivated by serfs, from laetus … Etymology dictionary
liege — [li:dʒ] historical adjective concerned with or relating to the relationship between a feudal superior and a vassal. noun 1》 (also liege lord) a feudal superior or sovereign. 2》 a vassal or subject. Origin ME: via OFr. lige, liege from med. L.… … English new terms dictionary
liege — historical ► ADJECTIVE ▪ referring to the relationship between a feudal superior and a vassal. ► NOUN 1) (also liege lord) a feudal superior or sovereign. 2) a vassal or subject. ORIGIN Old French, from Latin laeticus … English terms dictionary
liege — adj. & n. usu. hist. adj. (of a superior) entitled to receive or (of a vassal) bound to give feudal service or allegiance. n. 1 (in full liege lord) a feudal superior or sovereign. 2 (usu. in pl.) a vassal or subject. Etymology: ME f. OF lige,… … Useful english dictionary
Liege — adj. & n. usu. hist. adj. (of a superior) entitled to receive or (of a vassal) bound to give feudal service or allegiance. n. 1 (in full liege lord) a feudal superior or sovereign. 2 (usu. in pl.) a vassal or subject. Etymology: ME f. OF lige,… … Useful english dictionary
liege lord — noun a feudal lord entitled to allegiance and service • Syn: ↑liege • Derivationally related forms: ↑liege (for: ↑liege) • Hypernyms: ↑feudal lord, ↑seigneur, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
laetic — ˈlēd.ik adjective Etymology: Late Latin laeticus more at liege : of or relating to a class of non Roman cultivators of the soil during the later Roman empire who paid tribute for the lands which they occupied … Useful english dictionary