
I ī n. [demin. к labrum I ]
маленькая губа, губка (labella purpurea O, rosea Ctl, tenĕra Pl, O; ласк. meum l. Pl)
II lābellum, ī n. [demin. к labrum II ]
1) ванночка, тазик Cato, Col
2) чаша для жертвенных возлияний C

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "labellum" в других словарях:

  • Labellum — La*bel lum (l[.a]*b[e^]l l[u^]m), n.; pl. L. {Labella} (l[.a]*b[e^]l l[.a]), E. {Labellums} (l[.a]*b[e^]l l[u^]mz). [L., dim. of labrum lip.] 1. (Bot.) The lower or apparently anterior petal of an orchidaceous flower, often of a very curious… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Labellum — Labellum, 1) Lippchen, eine kurze breite lappenartige Verlängerung an Blüthentheilen, z.B. an den beiden kappenförmigen Blumenblättern bei Aconitum u. an der dicken Narbe von Viola tricolor u. V. lutea; 2) die Honiglippe der Orchideen …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • labellum — [lə bel′əm] n. pl. labella [lə bel′ə] [ModL < L, dim. of labrum, lip, akin to labium: see LIP] the lowest of the three petals forming the corolla of an orchid, usually larger than the other two petals, and often spurred …   English World dictionary

  • Labellum — L = Labellum P = Petalen S = Sepalen Labellum einer Phalaenopsis Als Labellum (pl. Labella, vom …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Labellum — The labellum (or Lip) is part of an Orchid, Canna or other less known flower that serves to attract insects that pollinate the flower, and acts as a landing platform for those insects.The labellum is a modified petal and can be distinguished from …   Wikipedia

  • Labellum — La|bel|lum das; s, ...llen <aus lat. labellum »kleine Lippe«, Verkleinerungsform von labrum, vgl. ↑Labrum>: 1. das durch Größe u. Zeichnung auffallende ↑mediane Blütenblatt von Orchideen u. Ingwergewächsen (Bot.). 2. a) bei Bienen u.… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • LABELLUM, s. LAVELLUM vulgo Lavello — urbec. Basilicatae, Episcopal. sub Archiep. Barensi, 3. mill. ab Aufido fluv. inter Melphim ad Occ. et Minervinum ad Ort. 12. mill. a Canusio in limita Capitanatae. Varia hîc reperiuntur antiquitatis vestigta …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • labellum — noun (plural labella) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, diminutive of labrum lip more at lip Date: 1830 1. the median and usually most morphologically distinct member of the corolla of an orchid 2. a terminal part of the labium or labrum of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Labellum — Labelle (botanique) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Labelle. Disposition des pétales (P), sépales (S) et labelle (L) d une fleur d orchidée …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Labellum — …   Википедия

  • labellum — n.; pl. la [L. dim. labrum, lip] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) One of variously expanded apexes of the labium; the bouton or flabellum of bees …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

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