- judiciarius
- jūdiciārius, a, um [ judicium ]1) судебный Su etc.lex judiciaria C, Dig — закон о подсудности и судопроизводстве2) судейский (munus CJ)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Liber judiciarius — Lit. the book of judgement . The name given to *DB by Richard fitz Nigel c. 1179, saying it was so named because it was not possible for any reason to depart from its judgement … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
actus judiciarius coram non judice irritus habetur, de ministeriali autem a quocunque provenit ratum esto — /aektas jadishiyeriyas koram non juwdasiy ihratas habiytar, diy minastiriyeylay otam ey kwowkarjkwiy praviynat reytam estow/ A judicial act by a judge without jurisdiction is void; but a ministerial act, from whomsoever proceeding, may be… … Black's law dictionary
actus judiciarius coram non judice irritus habetur, de ministeriali autem a quocunque provenit ratum esto — /aektas jadishiyeriyas koram non juwdasiy ihratas habiytar, diy minastiriyeylay otam ey kwowkarjkwiy praviynat reytam estow/ A judicial act by a judge without jurisdiction is void; but a ministerial act, from whomsoever proceeding, may be… … Black's law dictionary
judiciaire — [ ʒydisjɛr ] adj. • v. 1400; lat. judiciarius 1 ♦ Relatif à la justice et à son administration. Pouvoirs législatif, exécutif et judiciaire. L autorité judiciaire. Police judiciaire (par oppos. à police administrative) . 2 ♦ Qui se fait en… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Nikolaus Puchník von Černice — (tschechisch: Mikuláš Puchník z Černic; † 1402 in Poděhusy in Böhmen) war Rektor der Universität Prag und ernannter Erzbischof von Prag. Leben Nikolaus entstammte einer Adelsfamilie aus dem Gebiet von Horaždovice, war Domherr in Olmütz und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
judiciar — JUDICIÁR, Ă, judiciari, e, adj. 1. Care ţine de justiţie, privitor la justiţie; judecătoresc. ♢ Cronică judiciară = dare de seamă asupra proceselor şi dezbaterilor care au loc înaintea justiţiei. 2. Făcut prin autoritatea justiţiei. [pr.: ci ar]… … Dicționar Român
Judiciary — Ju*di cia*ry (?; 277), a. [L. judiciarius, fr. judicium judgment: cf. F. judiciare. See {Judicial}.] Of or pertaining to courts of judicature, or legal tribunals; judicial; as, a judiciary proceeding. Bp. Burnet. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
judiciary — noun Etymology: judiciary, adjective, from Latin judiciarius judicial, from judicium Date: 1787 1. a. a system of courts of law b. the judges of these courts 2. a branch of government in which judicial power is vested • judiciary adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bartholomew of Brescia — (b. probably in the second half of the twelfth century at Brescia; died 1258) was an Italian canonist.LifeHe studied Roman and ecclesiastical law at Bologna, where he himself became a teacher. It is believed that he was murdered, when Ezzelino,… … Wikipedia
Richard de Morins — [Ricardus Anglicus, Richard of Mores, Richard de Mores, Ricardus de Mores.] (c.1161 1242) was an English canon lawyer. He was Archdeacon of Bologna, and taught law at the University of Bologna. On his return to England, he was a canon of Merton… … Wikipedia
Болонский университет — В Болонье, как и в других крупных центрах Италии, издревле изучали римское право и проводили его в жизнь. Нельзя верить легенде, приписывающей Феодосию II основание здесь в 433 г. высшей юридической школы: легенда эта пущена была в обращение в… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона