
on (греч.) арх.
сложенный из камней или кирпичей одинаковых размеров
genus isodomon Vtr — кладка из одинаково обтёсанных камней

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "isodomos" в других словарях:

  • isodome — ● isodome adjectif (grec isodomos) Se dit d un appareil plein sur joint où toutes les pierres ont même hauteur et même longueur. ● isodome (synonymes) adjectif (grec isodomos) Se dit d un appareil plein sur joint où toutes les pierres ont...… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lego timeline — This article lists notable events and releases in the timeline of the Lego Group.19th century1890s:* 1891: April 7 Ole Kirk Christiansen, founder of the Lego Group, is born.:* 1895: The woodworking shop, Billund Woodworking and Carpenter s Shop …   Wikipedia

  • History of Lego — This article describes the history of the LEGO Group. Beginnings The Lego Group had humble beginnings in the workshop of Ole Kirk Christiansen, a carpenter from Billund, Denmark. The word lego is an abbreviation for two danish words leg and godt… …   Wikipedia

  • Phigalia — Phigalia, or Phigaleia (Greek Φιγαλεία or Φιγάλεια) is an ancient Greek city in the south west angle of Arcadia. It is also the present name of a nearby modern village, known up to the 20th century as Pavlitsa (Παύλιτσα). In modern geography it… …   Wikipedia

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