Смотреть что такое "Ismara" в других словарях:
Ismara — (Ancient Greek: polytonic|Ἴσμαρος) also Ismaros or Ismarus was an ancient Ciconian town on the Aegean coast of Thrace and supposedly was the city mentioned in the Odyssey . The Odyssey s Ismaros was not protected by walls, but historically Ismara … Wikipedia
ISMARA — Armeniae mai. urbs iuxta Euphratem. Ptol … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
išmara — ìšmara (1) 1. scom. ppr. pl. BŽ82, NdŽ išmirę žmonės: Kas galia eiti į džiovininkų, ìšmarų gyvenimą! Užv. Fiskui tenka išmarų ir šiaip niekam nepriklausą turtai EncVIII275. Čia ìšmarų kiemas, ìšmarų namai, t. y. kur visi išmirę J. Atlykūlis,… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
išmara — i̇̀šmara dkt. Tóks i̇̀šmara daũg nepadir̃bs … Bendrinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno antraštynas
Cicones — Approximate location of the Kikones The Cicones, Ciconians or Kikonians, (Greek: Κίκονες) were a Homeric Thracian[1] tribe, whose stronghold in the time of Odysseus was the town of Ismara (or Is … Wikipedia
ISMARUS — mons Thraciae partim asper, partim olivetis et vitibus cultus, apud Hebrum fluv. et maroneam urb. Plin. l. 4. c. 11. cuiusaccolae Cicones Hom. ubi et palus et urbs Ismara s. Ismarus quondam fuit: plur. num. Ismara. Virg. Georg. l. 2. v. 37. Iuvat … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
List of ancient Thracian cities — This is a list of ancient Thracian cities, towns, villages, and fortresses. A number of these cities were Greek cities, some were Celtic or Roman. An asterisk [*] indicates that the toponym is reconstructed. The endings bria ( town, city ), disza … Wikipedia
Cicones — Dans la mythologie grecque, les Cicones (en grec ancien Κίκονες / Kíkones) sont une tribu mythique dont la ville principale est Ismara, sur la côte sud de la Thrace. Sommaire 1 Les Cicones chez Orphée 2 Les Cicones chez Homère … Wikipédia en Français
Cicones — La tribu de los cicones se ubicaba en Tracia, entre el río Axio y el Hebro, río que limitaba con el territorio de los tracios petos. En la Odisea (Canto IX), Odiseo le narra a Alcínoo, que luego de finalizar la guerra de Troya, él atacó por… … Wikipedia Español
Returns from Troy — After the fall of Troy most Achaean heroes did not return to their homes. They had incurred the wrath of the gods due to their sacriligeous behaviour. Many founded colonies far outside the Greek mainland. The Romans later traced ancestry from… … Wikipedia
Ker-Ys — Ys Pour les articles homonymes, voir YS . Saint Guénolé demandant à Gradlon d abandonner sa fille, E. V. Luminais, 1884 (Musée des Beaux Arts, Quimper) Ys (ou Is), par … Wikipédia en Français