- Isauria
ae f.Исаврия, юго-зап. гористая часть Ликаонии (М. Азия) Amm, Treb
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Isauria — ( el. Ισαυρία), in ancient geography, is a rugged isolated district in the interior of South Asia Minor, of very different extent at different periods, but generally covering much of what is now Konya/Bozkir province of Turkey, or the core of the … Wikipedia
ISAURIA — reg. Asiae min. ad Taurum mont. Ciliciae proxima, quam P. Servilius cogn. Isauricus, in ditionem Romanorum redegit. Strabo. l. 11. l. 13. p. 560. et 569. Claud. l. 1. in Eutrop. Carm. 18. v. 217. Indomitos curru Servilius egit Isauras. Ubi… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Isauria — Ubicación de Isauria en Asia Menor. Isauria (en griego antiguo: Ισαυρία) es la antigua región geográfica localizada en la accidentada y aislada zona sur de Asia Menor. La región ha sido sometida a numerosos cambios territoriales a lo largo de la… … Wikipedia Español
Isauria — Isaurien war in der Antike und im frühen Mittelalter ein Bereich im Inneren Kleinasiens mit ständig wechselnden Grenzen. Sein Kernland war das Gebiet nördlich des Taurus, das unmittelbar südlich an Ikonion und Lystra grenzt. Die Ebene von Ikonion … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isauria — ▪ ancient district, Turkey ancient inland district of south central Anatolia. Its inhabitants, a mountain people described by Greco Roman authors as warlike and uncivilized, were conquered by the Roman general Publius Servilius Vatia… … Universalium
Isauria — geographical name ancient district in E Pisidia S Asia Minor on N slope of W Taurus Mountains • Isaurian adjective or noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Isauria — noun /aɪˈsɔːriə/ a rugged isolated district in the interior of South Asia Minor; famous for its bandits … Wiktionary
Isauria — ► Antigua región de Asia Menor, entre los montes Tauro y el Mediterráneo … Enciclopedia Universal
ISAURIA — in ancient times this name was given to the northern slopes of the Taurus in Asia Minor, what is now Karamania; the Isaurians were a wild, savage people; from the 1st to the 4th centuries they were the terror of neighbouring States, and gave… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Isauria — See Isaurians … Historical dictionary of Byzantium
Isauria — /aɪˈsɔriə/ (say uy sawreeuh) noun an ancient region of southern central Asia Minor, mainly on the northern part of the western Taurus Mountains …