
Īphitus, ī m.
1) сын Эврита и Эхалии, Аргонавт, убитый Геркулесом VF
2) царь Элиды, восстановивший Олимпийские игры (884 г. до н. э.) VF
3) один из троянцев V

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Iphitus" в других словарях:

  • IPHITUS — I. IPHITUS Euryti Oechaliae Regis fil. quem Hercules, occiso patre. e turri praecipitavit. Item Vir Troianus. Virg. Aen. l. 2. v. 435. Divellimur inde Iphitus, et Pelias mecum. II. IPHITUS Naubuli fil. Hippasi nepos, Rex Elidis, Argonautarum vaus …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Iphitus — /if i teuhs, uy fi /, n. Class. Myth. a son of Eurytus, thrown to his death off the walls of Tiryns by Hercules. Also, Iphitos. * * * …   Universalium

  • Iphitus — /if i teuhs, uy fi /, n. Class. Myth. a son of Eurytus, thrown to his death off the walls of Tiryns by Hercules. Also, Iphitos …   Useful english dictionary

  • ИФИТ —    • Iphĭtus,           Ίφιτος,        1. см. Hercules, Геркулес, 11;        2. сын Навбола, отец Схедия и Епистрофа, из Фокиды, равно как № 1 аргонавт. Ноm. Il. 2, 518, 17, 306;        3. сын Гемона, или Праксонида, или Ифита, потомок Оксила, из …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Iphitvs — IPHĬTVS, i, Ἰφιτος, ου, des Euritus und der Antiope Sohn, von Oechalia, gieng, sammt seinem Bruder, dem Klytius, unter den Argonauten mit nach Kolchis. Hygin. Fab. 14. p. 42. Einige machen ihn zu einem Bruder des Eurystheus, welcher dem Herkules… …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • Eurytus — In Greek mythology, Eurytus is the name of numerous characters.The kingKing Eurytus, Erytus, or Eurýtos of Oechalia (Oikhalia), Thessaly, was the son of Melaneus and either Stratonice or Oechalia.He married Antiope, daughter of Pylo and had these …   Wikipedia

  • Heracles — This article is about the Greek mythic hero. For the Roman mythological analogue, see Hercules. For other uses, see Heracles (disambiguation). Heracles …   Wikipedia

  • Nystiellidae — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Gastropoda …   Wikipedia

  • Copreus — In Greek mythology, Copreus (Κοπρεύς) was King Eurystheus herald. He announced Heracles Twelve Labors. Copreus was said to be a son of Pelops and Hippodameia. He was a fugitive from Elis where he had killed a man called Iphitus, but Eurystheus… …   Wikipedia

  • Iphitos — (or Iphitus) was a name attributed to five individuals in Greek mythology.*Iphitos was the son of Eurytus, king of Oechalia. Moreover, he was a descendant of Oxylus. After defeating Eurytus in an archery contest, Heracles was accused of stealing… …   Wikipedia

  • Hercules (1958 film) — Infobox Film | name = Hercules caption = VHS cover director = Pietro Francisci producer = Federico Teti writer = Ennio De Concini Pietro Francisci Gaio Frattini starring = Steve Reeves Sylva Koscina Fabrizio Mioni music = Enzo Masetti… …   Wikipedia

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