
ae и Iocastē, ēs f.
Иокаста, дочь Менекея, сестра Креонта, жена Лаия, мать, впоследствии жена Эдипа St

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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  • Theban kings in Greek mythology — The dynastic history of Thebes in Greek mythology is crowded with a bewildering number of kings between the city s new foundation (by Cadmus) and the Trojan War (see Ogyges). This suggests several competing traditions, which mythographers were… …   Wikipedia

  • Palau de la Música Catalana — Infobox World Heritage Site WHS = Palau de la Música Catalana and Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona Type = Cultural Criteria = i, ii, iv ID = 804 Region = Europe and North America Year = 1997 Session = 21st Link =… …   Wikipedia

  • Liceu — The Gran Teatre del Liceu (IPA2|ˈgɾan təˈatɾə dəɫ ɫiˈsɛw), or simply Liceu (IPA2|ɫiˈsɛw) in Catalan) and often referred to as the Liceo, is an opera house on La Rambla in Barcelona. The Liceu opened on April 4, 1847. It is one of the world s… …   Wikipedia

  • Symphony No. 4 (Shostakovich) — Dmitri Shostakovich composed his Symphony No. 4 in C minor, Opus 43, between September 1935 and May 1936. Halfway through its composition, he was denounced in the infamous Pravda editorial Chaos Instead of Music, written under direct orders from… …   Wikipedia

  • Gundula Krause — Gundula Krause, born 7 July 1966 in Göttingen, is a German folk violinist. She lives in Mainz, Roetgen nearby Aachen and East Clare (Ireland).Life and WorkShe was born in Göttingen, Germany. She moved to Los Angeles, California during the 1980s… …   Wikipedia

  • Synalpheus — NOTOC Taxobox name = Synalpheus regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda subphylum = Crustacea classis = Malacostraca subclassis = Eumalacostraca superordo = Eucarida ordo = Decapoda subordo = Pleocyemata infraordo = Caridea superfamilia =… …   Wikipedia

  • Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona — The Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya (Barcelona Symphony and Catalonia National Orchestra) (OBC) is a symphony orchestra in Barcelona, Spain. From 1944 to 1967 it was named Orquestra Municipal de Barcelona (Barcelona… …   Wikipedia

  • Orquestra Simfònica del Gran Teatre del Liceu — Titular symphony orchestra from the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona. Founded, as the theater, in 1847, it is the oldest orchestra still working in Barcelona, and the oldest in Spain. Its first conductor was Marià Obiols. Orchestra musical… …   Wikipedia

  • Rom (Fernsehserie) — Seriendaten Deutscher Titel Rom Originaltitel Rome Produktionsland …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rome (Fernsehserie) — Seriendaten Deutscher Titel: Rom Originaltitel: Rome Produktionsland: USA, UK, Italien Produktionsjahr(e): 2005–2006 Episodenlänge: etwa 50 Minuten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Иокаста — (Iocasta, Ιοχὰστη). Жена Лая и мать Эдипа. См. Эдип. (Источник: «Краткий словарь мифологии и древностей». М.Корш. Санкт Петербург, издание А. С. Суворина, 1894.) ИОКАСТА (Ίοκάστη), в греческой мифологии фиванская царица, жена Лая, мать и затем… …   Энциклопедия мифологии

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