Смотреть что такое "Ambracia" в других словарях:
Ambracia — Ambracia, occasionally Ampracia (Greek: ancient Ἀμπρακία; modern Αμβρακία), was an ancient Corinthian colony, situated about 7 miles from the Ambracian Gulf in Greece, on a bend of the navigable river Arachthos (or Aratthus), in the midst of a… … Wikipedia
Ambracia — AMBRACIA, æ, Gr. Ἀμβρακία, ας, (⇒ Tab. XIV.) des Apollo Tochter, von der die Stadt Ambracia in Epirus den Namen führete. Ant. Liberal. Met. c. 4 … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Ambracia — Ambracĭa (Ambrakia), alte Stadt in Epirus, am Arachthos, nördl. Zufluß des Ambrakischen Golfs (Busen von Arta), eine korinth. Kolonie, das heutige Arta … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
AMBRACIA — civitas nobilis Thesprotiae, Epiri, iuxta Acherontem fluv. ad Ambraceo Thesproti filio dicta, prius Epuia, et Paralia, Larta vulgo vel Ambrachia: longirud. 46. 40. latirud. 39. 29. Pyrrhi regia finit, quam Alexander M. liberam esse iussit,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Epigonus of Ambracia — (Greek:Επίγονος Αμβρακιώτης) (6th century BC) was a Greek musician from Ambracia in South Epirus, who was admitted to a citizenship at Sicyon, where he lived, performed and taught. The Epigonion (string instrument) was invented, or at least… … Wikipedia
Epicrates of Ambracia — (Greek: Επικράτης Αμβρακιώτης), was an Ambraciote who lived in Athens, a comic poet of the Middle Comedy, according to the testimony of Athenaeus (x. p. 422, f.), confirmed by extant fragments of his plays, in which he ridicules Plato and his… … Wikipedia
Silanus of Ambracia — Silanus (Greek: Σιλανός) of Ambracia was a soothsayer in Xenophon s Anabasis . In 401 BC, he accompanied Cyrus the Younger in an expedition against Artaxerxes. When Silanus provided Cyrus with a successful prediction, he was rewarded with 3000… … Wikipedia
АМБРАКИЯ — • Ambracia, Άμβρακία, Άμπρακία, н. Арта, значительный город в эпирской области Феспротиде невдалеке от Арахфа, в 80 стадиях к северу от берега залива, называвшегося по имени города Амбракийским: sinus Ambracius (залив Арты); ок. 660 г … Реальный словарь классических древностей
List of ancient Epirotes — This list refers to inhabitants of Ancient Epirus Mythology*Ambrax, Ambracia *Chaon *Echetus King of Epirus. *Epirus (mythology),Theban,died in Epirus. *Kallidike Queen of Thesprotians wife of Odysseus *Molossus *Thesprotus *Tyrimmas, King of… … Wikipedia
Anfiloquía — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Anfiloquía fue un distrito de la costa del Golfo de Ambracia, en la antigua Grecia. Tenía al norte a Ambracia y al sur a los agreos y no se extendía hacia el interior. Estaba poblada por los anfiloquios que podrían… … Wikipedia Español
Arta — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos del término, ver Arta (desambiguación) 39°9′28″N 20°59′12″E / 39.15778 … Wikipedia Español