- intrinsecus
- intrīn-secus adv. [ intra + secus ]1) внутри, изнутри (navis i. bene compacta Ap)jecur i. cavum, extrinsĕcus gibbum CC — печень изнутри вогнутая, снаружи выпуклая2) внутрь (replicare aliquid i. Su)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Intrinsecus — The king s inner marshal. His duty was to watch over and guard the inner parts of wherever the king was in residence, and to ensure that courtesans (those with attachments to a courtier) were not too intrusive or conspicuous. [Lat. intrinsecus =… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Plexus neuralis intrinsecus — vidinis organų nervinis rezginys statusas T sritis histologija atitikmenys: lot. Plexus neuralis intramuralis; Plexus neuralis intrinsecus ryšiai: platesnis terminas – bendrieji terminai siauresnis terminas – pogleivinis nervinis rezginys… … Medicininės histologijos ir embriologijos vardynas
Valor intrinsecus — En mønts metalværdi … Danske encyklopædi
Archpoet — This article is about the 12th century anonymous Latin poet. For the early Irish concept of arch poet , see Ollam. Archpoet Born circa 1130 Died circa 1165 Pen name Archipoeta Language Latin … Wikipedia
intrinsèque — [ ɛ̃trɛ̃sɛk ] adj. • 1314; du lat. intrinsecus « au dedans » 1 ♦ Didact. Qui est intérieur à l objet dont il s agit, appartient à son essence. ⇒ essentiel, inhérent, intérieur. Importance intrinsèque d un fait. Valeur intrinsèque d une monnaie,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
intrinsec — INTRINSÉC, Ă, intrinseci, ce, adj. Care constituie partea lăuntrică, proprie şi esenţială a unui lucru; care există prin sine însuşi (independent de relaţiile sale cu alt lucru). – Din fr. intrinsèque, lat. intrinsecus. Trimis de valeriu,… … Dicționar Român
intrínseco — (Del lat. intrinsecus.) ► adjetivo Que es inherente a la naturaleza de una cosa: ■ esa joya tiene un valor intrínseco incalculable; es un problema intrínseco a las desacertadas gestiones llevadas a cabo. SINÓNIMO absoluto esencial * * *… … Enciclopedia Universal
intrinsisch — anhaftend; von innen kommend; einer Sache innewohnend; inhärent; innerhalb * * * in|trịn|sisch 〈Adj.; bes. Psych.〉 aus dem Innern, von innen kommend, bewirkt; Ggs extrinsisch ● intrinsische Motivation [zu engl. intrinsic <lat. intrinsecus… … Universal-Lexikon
intrinsèque — (in trin sè k ) adj. 1° Qui est intérieur à quelque chose, en dedans de quelque chose. • La contexture intrinsèque des corps, MAIRAN Éloge de Boulduc.. Terme d anatomie. Muscles intrinsèques, muscles propres à certains organes, par… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
intrinsic — 1. Belonging entirely to a part. 2. In anatomy, denoting those muscles whose origin and insertion are both within the structure under consideration, distinguished from the extrinsic muscles that have their origin outside of the structure under… … Medical dictionary
Intrinsec — Services and dues owed a lord. They are called intrinsec as they were deemed to be within the *fief and engaged no one outside it. This use survives in the Dorset placename Ryme Intrinseca. [< Lat. intrinsecus = on the inside, within] Cf.… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases