- intortio
- ōnis f. [ intorqueo ]скручивание или завивка (crinium Aug)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Intorsion — In*tor sion, n. [L. intortio a curling, crisping: cf. F. intorsion. See {Intort}, and cf. {Intortion}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A winding, bending, or twisting. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) The bending or twining of any part of a plant toward one side or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
intorsion — /in tawr sheuhn/, n. a twisting about an axis or fixed point, as of the stem of a plant. [1750 60; alter. of LL intortion (s. of intortio). See IN2 , TORSION] * * * … Universalium
intorsion — /ɪnˈtɔʃən/ (say in tawshuhn) noun a twisting or winding, as of the stem of a plant. {Latin intortiōn , stem of intortiō action of curling} …
in|tor|sion — «ihn TR shuhn», noun. the act or fact of twisting or winding, as of the stem of a plant. ╂[< French intorsion < Latin intortiō, ōnis < intortus; see etym. under intort (Cf. ↑intort)] … Useful english dictionary