INTESTATUS — qui Decesserat, habebatur olim pro damnato ac infami. Cum enim Conciliorum Canonibus certam bonorum suorum atque adeo decimam partem, ut est apud Matth. Paris. p. 113. distribuere in pios usus quisque teneretur: qui id non egisset, salutis suae… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
intestatus — /intesteytas/ In the civil and old English law, an intestate; one who dies without a will … Black's law dictionary
intestatus — /intesteytas/ In the civil and old English law, an intestate; one who dies without a will … Black's law dictionary
intestatus — (Civil law.) Intestate; without leaving a will; an intestate … Ballentine's law dictionary
intestatus decedit, qui aut omnino testamentum non fecit; aut non jure fecit; aut id quod fecerat ruptum irritumve factum est; aut nemo ex eo haeres exstitit — /intesteytas dasiydat kway 6t omnaynow testamentam non fiysat, 6t non juriy fiysat, 6t id kwod fiysarat raptam iratamviy faektam est, 6t niymow eks iyow hiriyz ekstatat/ A person dies intestate who either has made no testament at all or has made… … Black's law dictionary
intestatus decedit, qui aut omnino testamentum non fecit; aut non jure fecit; aut id quod fecerat ruptum irritumve factum est; aut nemo ex eo haeres exstitit — /intesteytas dasiydat kway 6t omnaynow testamentam non fiysat, 6t non juriy fiysat, 6t id kwod fiysarat raptam iratamviy faektam est, 6t niymow eks iyow hiriyz ekstatat/ A person dies intestate who either has made no testament at all or has made… … Black's law dictionary
Intestatus decedit qui aut omnino testamentum non fecit; aut non jure fecit; aut id quod fecerat ruptum irritumve factum est; aut nemo ex eo haeres exstitit — A person dies intestate who either made no will, or made one not according to law, or the one which he made has been broken or rendered ineffectual, or who is one whom no devisee survives … Ballentine's law dictionary
intestat — [ ɛ̃tɛsta ] adj. • XIIIe; lat. intestatus ♦ Dr. Qui n a pas fait de testament. Elle est morte intestat (⇒aussi ab intestat) . N. Les intestats. ● intestat adjectif invariable et nom (latin … Encyclopédie Universelle
ab intestat — ● ab intestat adverbe (latin juridique abintestato, de ab, de la part de, et intestatus, sans testament) Se dit de la succession régie par la loi en l absence d un testament. ab intestat loc. adv. (lat.) DR En l absence de testament. ⇒AB INTESTAT … Encyclopédie Universelle
Testament — Testament, 1) (Altes u. Neues T.), s.u. Bibel; 2) (lat. Testamentum, altdeutsch Gemächt), im Allgemeinen jede einseitige letztwillige Disposition; bes. 3) eine letztwillige Disposition,[403] durch welche der Erblasser für seinen Todesfall einen… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
intestado — (Derivado de testar.) ► adjetivo/ sustantivo 1 DERECHO Que muere sin haber hecho testamento válido. ► sustantivo masculino 2 DERECHO Caudal sucesorio acerca del cual no existen o no rigen disposiciones testamentarias. * * * intestado, a (del lat … Enciclopedia Universal