- Amazon
Amazōn, ōnis f. , обычно pl. Amazones и Amazonides, umамазонки (племя воинственных женщин на Кавказе и на берегах реки Фермодонта в Понте) V, Just, QC etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Amazon.at — Amazon.com, Inc. Unternehmensform Corporation ISIN … Deutsch Wikipedia
Amazon.de — Amazon.com, Inc. Unternehmensform Corporation ISIN … Deutsch Wikipedia
Amazon.cn — Amazon.com Pour les articles homonymes, voir Amazone. Logo de Amazon.com, Inc. Cré … Wikipédia en Français
Amazon.fr — Amazon.com Pour les articles homonymes, voir Amazone. Logo de Amazon.com, Inc. Cré … Wikipédia en Français
Amazon S3 — Amazon.com Pour les articles homonymes, voir Amazone. Logo de Amazon.com, Inc. Cré … Wikipédia en Français
Amazon S3 — (Simple Storage Service) is an online storage web service offered by Amazon Web Services. Amazon S3 provides unlimited storage through a simple web services interface. Amazon launched S3, its first publicly available web service, in the United… … Wikipedia
Amazon — or Amazons may refer to: * Amazons, members of a legendary nation of female warriors in Greek mythology * more generally, any woman warrior ** History of women in the military ** Dahomey Amazons, an all female regiment of the African kingdom of… … Wikipedia
Amazon S3 — Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) онлайновая веб служба, предлагаемая Amazon Web Services, предоставляющая возможность для хранения и получения любого объёма данных, в любое время из любой точки сети, так называемый файловый хостинг … Википедия
Amazon.cn — (Chinese: 卓越亚马逊), formerly Joyo.com, is a Chinese shopping website located in Beijing. In 2004, it was acquired by Amazon.com.History OriginalJoyo was a IT information and download service website before 2000.Joyo was found by Kingsoft in August … Wikipedia
Amazon — kann sich auf folgende Stichworte beziehen: das Internet Versandhaus amazon.com den Personenkraftwagen Volvo Amazon englische Übersetzung für Amazone oder Amazonas … Deutsch Wikipedia
Amazon — , Amazon River According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the Amazons were a fierce nation of Scythian women who lived by themselves. They dealt with men only in battle or for procreation, and either killed their sons or sent them to their … Dictionary of eponyms