
interfūsus, a, um part. pf. к interfundo

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "interfusus" в других словарях:

  • Interfuse — In ter*fuse , v. t. [L. interfusus, p. p. of interfundere to pour between; inter between + fundere to pour. See {Fuse} to melt.] [1913 Webster] 1. To pour or spread between or among; to diffuse; to scatter. [1913 Webster] The ambient air, wide… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • interfuse — verb Etymology: Latin interfusus, past participle of interfundere to pour between, from inter + fundere to pour more at found Date: 1593 transitive verb 1. to combine by fusing ; blend 2. to add as if by fusing ; infuse …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • interfuse — interfusion, n. /in teuhr fyoohz /, v., interfused, interfusing. v.t. 1. to intersperse, intermingle, or permeate with something. 2. to blend or fuse, one with another. 3. to pour or pass (something) between, into, or through; infuse. v.i. 4. to… …   Universalium

  • interfuse — in•ter•fuse [[t]ˌɪn tərˈfyuz[/t]] v. fused, fus•ing 1) to intersperse, intermingle, or permeate with something 2) to blend or fuse, one with another 3) to pour or pass into or through; infuse 4) to become blended or fused • Etymology: 1585–95;… …   From formal English to slang

  • interfuse — [c]/ɪntəˈfjuz/ (say intuh fyoohz) verb (interfused, interfusing) –verb (t) 1. to pour (something) between or through; diffuse throughout. 2. to intersperse, intermingle, or permeate with something. 3. to blend or fuse, one with another. –verb (i) …  

  • espandre — Espandre, Diffundere, Expandere, Spargere, Inspergere, Infundere, Suffundere. Espandre à grand abondance, Effundere, Profundere, Refundere. Espandre à l entour, Circunfundere, Circunspergere. Espandre quelque liqueur, ou autre chose, Offundere,… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • interfuse — [in΄tər fyo͞oz′] vt. interfused, interfusing [< L interfusus, pp. of interfundere, to pour between: see INTER & FOUND3] 1. to combine by mixing, blending, or fusing together 2. to cause to pass into or through a substance; infuse 3. to spread… …   English World dictionary

  • interfusion — üzhən noun Etymology: Late Latin interfusion , interfusio act of flowing between, from Latin interfusus (past participle) + ion , io ion : the action or result of interfusing interfusion of religion and virtue is not in fact so close as to secure …   Useful english dictionary

  • in´ter|fu´sion — in|ter|fuse «IHN tuhr FYOOZ», verb, fused, fus|ing. –v.t. 1. to spread through; be diffused through; permeate. 2. to intersperse with something: »floating vapors interfused with light (Longfellow). 3 …   Useful english dictionary

  • in|ter|fuse — «IHN tuhr FYOOZ», verb, fused, fus|ing. –v.t. 1. to spread through; be diffused through; permeate. 2. to intersperse with something: »floating vapors interfused with light (Longfellow). 3 …   Useful english dictionary

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