
interdiūs Pl , Cato , Vr , AG арх. = interdiu

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "interdius" в других словарях:

  • Mars (mythology) — Mars, 1st century, found in the Forum of Nerva (Capitoline Museums, Rome) Ancient Roman religion …   Wikipedia

  • SOL — Phoenicibus olim Η῏λ, El, teste Serviô, In l. 1. Aen. v. 646. qui de Belo Phoenice, unde creta Dido, loquens, Omnes, inquit, in illis, partibus Solem colunt, qui ipsorum linguâ Hel dicitur; unde et Η῞λιος: η in ω discedente, et spiritu, in… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • dei-1, dei̯ǝ-, dī-, di̯ā- —     dei 1, dei̯ǝ , dī , di̯ā     English meaning: to shine; day; sun; sky god, god     Deutsche Übersetzung: “hell glänzen, schimmern, scheinen”     Note: (older “*dart rays”?)     Note: The origin of the sky god was Anatolia, where the Sumerian… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • en1 —     en1     English meaning: in, *into, below     Deutsche Übersetzung: “in”     Note: (: *n̥; Slav. also *on?); eni, n(e)i; perhaps also n̥dhi (ending as epi, obhi etc. perhaps related to loc. in i, if if not even created after it).     Material …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

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