- interaneus
interāneus, a, umвнутренний (vomica Scr)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
entrailles — [ ɑ̃traj ] n. f. pl. • 1160; bas lat. intralia « ce qui est à l intérieur », class. interanea;cf. a. fr. entraigne 1 ♦ Ensemble des organes enfermés dans l abdomen de l homme ou des animaux. ⇒ boyau, 2. intestin, tripe, viscère; abat. Les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Entrails — En trails, n. pl. [F. entrailles, LL. intralia, intranea, fr. interaneum, pl. interanea, intestine, interaneus inward, interior, fr. inter between, among, within. See {Internal}.] 1. The internal parts of animal bodies; the bowels; the guts;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
entrails — noun plural Etymology: Middle English entrailles, from Anglo French, from Medieval Latin intralia, alteration of Latin interanea, plural of interaneum intestine, from neuter of interaneus interior Date: 14th century 1. bowels, viscera; broadly… … New Collegiate Dictionary
entrails — /en traylz, treuhlz/, n.pl. 1. the internal parts of the trunk of an animal body. 2. the intestines. 3. the internal parts of anything: the entrails of a machine. [1250 1300; ME entrailles < AF, MF < VL *interalia (cf. early ML intralia), alter … Universalium
entraño — entraño, a (de «entraña»; ant.) adj. *Interno. * * * entraño, ña. (Del lat. interanĕus, interior). adj. ant. Interior, interno … Enciclopedia Universal
entragno — en·trà·gno s.m. OB LE spec. al pl., interiora, viscere: e l entragno gli sbratta e gli dispaccia (Leopardi) | fig., animo, indole {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1618. ETIMO: lat. interanĕu(m), da interaneus interno , der. di *interus interno … Dizionario italiano
entrails — en|trails [ˈentreılz] n [plural] [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: entrailles, from Medieval Latin intralia, from Latin interaneus inside ] the inside parts of an animal or person s body, especially their ↑intestines … Dictionary of contemporary English
entrails — [13] Entrails means literally just ‘insides’ – and indeed there is an unbroken semantic undercurrent to the word from earliest times to the present day signifying exactly that (as in ‘entrails of the earth’). It comes ultimately from the Latin… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
entrails — c.1300, from O.Fr. entrailles (12c.), from L.L. intralia inward parts, intestines (8c.), from L. interanea, neut. pl. of interaneus internal, that which is within, from inter between, among (see INTER (Cf. inter )) … Etymology dictionary
entrails — en•trails [[t]ˈɛn treɪlz, trəlz[/t]] n. pl. 1) anat. zool. the inner organs of the body 2) anat. zool. the intestines 3) the internal parts of anything; insides • Etymology: 1250–1300; ME entrailles < AF, MF < VL *interālia (cf. early ML… … From formal English to slang
entraño — entraño, ña (Del lat. interanĕus, interior). adj. ant. Interior, interno … Diccionario de la lengua española