Смотреть что такое "Interamnium" в других словарях:
Interamnium — (Greek: polytonic|Ἰντεράμνιον) ndash; also, Interamnia and Interamna (Greek: polytonic|Ἰντέραμνα) ndash; is an ancient Latin placename, meaning between rivers . There were at least four towns of ancient Italy and one of ancient Spain so named:… … Wikipedia
INTERAMNIUM — opp. Hisp. Tarrac. Ponferrada Coquo. Antea Asturum, nunc Legionis R … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Interamnĭum Flavĭum — (a. Geogr.), Stadt der Asturer im Tarraconensischen Spanien, jetzt Bembibre od. Villorvane … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Susarros — En este artículo sobre historia se detectaron los siguientes problemas: Necesita ser wikificado conforme a las convenciones de estilo de Wikipedia. Carece de fuentes o referencias que aparezcan en una fuente acreditada. Requiere una revisión… … Wikipedia Español
Ponferrada — Infobox Settlement official name = Ponferrada other name = native name = nickname = settlement type = motto = Interamnium Flavium (Between Rivers) imagesize = image caption = flag size =155px image seal size = image shield = shield size = city… … Wikipedia
Teramo — Infobox CityIT img coa = Teramo Stemma.png official name = Comune di Teramo region = Abruzzo province = Teramo (TE) elevation m = 265 name=Teramo mapx=42.65 mapy=13.83 area total km2 = 151 population as of = December 31, 2004 population total =… … Wikipedia
704 Interamnia — Infobox Planet | discovery=yes | physical characteristics = yes | bgcolour=#FFFFC0 name=704 Interamnia discoverer=Vincenzo Cerulli discovered=October 2, 1910 alt names=1910 KU; 1952 MW mp category=Main belt epoch=October 22, 2004 (JD 2453300.5)… … Wikipedia
Interamnia — ndash; also, Interamna (Greek: polytonic|Ἰντέραμνα) or Interamnium (Greek: polytonic|Ἰντεράμνιον) ndash; is an ancient Latin placename, meaning between rivers . There were at least three towns of ancient Italy so named: *Interamna Nahars (or… … Wikipedia
List of Roman places in Hispania — Main article is Hispania *Abdera between modern Málaga and Cartagena (captured) *Augusta Bilbilis now Calatayud, Spain *Carthago Nova now Cartagena, Spain (captured 209 BC) *Corduba now Córdoba, Spain *Emerita Augusta now Mérida, Spain (founded… … Wikipedia
Пиценум — (Picenum) в древности область в восточной части Италии у Адриатического моря, отличавшаяся большим плодородием (пшеница, виноград, маслины). Жители П. назывались Picentes или Piceni и принадлежали к сабинскому племени. Связь их имени со словом… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Alcántara — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Alcantara. Alcántara … Wikipédia en Français